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Your killing your PS3

As we all know history repeats it self and as i have high hope for the ps3 all this negative talk coming out of the devs. is kind of worrying me. The ps3 is new technology that programmers have never seen before(unline the red ring box which programming scheme is last gen), so naturally it will take time to get use to, but if the developers dont take the time to embrace the software than its all a waste. They all may just take the easy way. maybe the ps3 is too ahead of its time, As long as people accept these recycled games like the raindow six franchies, medal of honor (total EA trash) and other FPS and mediocre sports games, then totally bashing any form of innovation, dare i say it, lair, we as hardcore gamers who are looking for a truely embracing expereince will be left in the dark because we, it seems, are the minority in the gaming world. we will be stuck with the same old CRAP.

Every time a game is over hyped before it is released and the game comes out and its not what everyone was waiting for, people get mad and start pointing fingers when really the only ones to blame are ourselves for getting so excited over something we only knew in theory, it hurts the system because it is the one that takes the undeserved fall, some people will argue that its the developers fault but everyone knows its all reflects on the system as devs. seem to like to blame the systems. If this trends keeps up i fear developers are going to take the safe route and game progression will slow down extremely. I just really like games with good stories, gameplay, settings, characters ect.(all do not have to be present). Dont get me wrong i like FPS as much as the next gamer, but What i really get excited for is a that is "outside of the box" like lair or LBP. We all know the fate of lair, it was over hyped and when the reviews came it was yesterdays trash. For all we know (until we play the game) the reviewer could be pretty arrogant and get upset when they feel like they should pick the controls up faster than they are so they giive the game a bad review. which bring my next point.

Dont be hardcore on reviews, check the game out your self if your interested in it. you may see something in the game the reviews totally over looked, one mans trash is another mans treasure. i hope i could give yall some incite into what i think may kill the PS3. So far a less superior system is doing the best so im sure somewhere in the back of sony's head is we could have just taken the easy way and done fine. All these things are on my mind and im sure i left some stuff out but you get the main idea and honestly most people will see all these words and say im not reading all that. I just want people to be concious of there games and gaming because believe it or not we as gamers control the future of gaming not the devs. not the console makers and not the critics. After all with out gamers no one would buy the products so keep that in mind.