-Desu- Blog
Well, that explains the lack of comments. >_>
by -Desu- on Comments
I managed to accidentally disable them. I mean... I didn't want your filthy comments anyways! ...yeah. ;-;
The reparations begin.
by -Desu- on Comments
Because the new forums kinda suck, I whipped up some simple css to fix the biggest issue, that ****ing sidebar. http://drop.io/DesuSpotBeta
Cave story is coming to the Wii!
by -Desu- on Comments
Official Site Loved the PC version, definitely going to buy this. I always wanted Pixel to put up a damn donation box somewhere... but I guess this works. >_> [size=10]Sorry if you saw this blog post already, I hit thirty tags and apparently that's what you need for the first tagger emblem. I deleted the old one and made it again to try and kill that ugly thing. xd Edit: Success! That ugly tagger emblem is gone now. xd[/size]
Mega Man 9 is every bit of retro goodness I had hoped it would be.
by -Desu- on Comments
If you like Mega Man, you'll like Mega Man 9. Guaranteed. I just finished the last of the eight Robot Masters, and I'm off to go do stuff that belongs in a spoiler tag. Those dudes are a lot harder to beat when you don't already know who is weak to what. @_@
I was bored again, so I made my avvy advertise Firefox 3.
by -Desu- on Comments
If you're on Firefox 3 (or a few other browsers, such as Opera 9.5), you won't be able to tell what I did... Otherwise, it's pretty obvious. xd Secrets revealed in the comments.
I was bored, so I made some small CSS changes to GameSpot.
by -Desu- on Comments
http://drop.io/DesuSpot Before - After - Highlights After the site layout is finalised, I'm probably going to go more in-depth with the changes. Don't expect anything significant to happen with the CSS until the boards are updated. Edit: Actually, don't expect anything significant at all. I suck at css editing, I'm just practising with this. >_>
The World Warrior
by -Desu- on Comments
In my time spent goofing around on the internet, I come across some pretty nifty stuff. Some of it is just neat, some is awesome. The World Warrior This song is an example of the latter. Not only is every voice done by the same person, (even Chun-Li) the music itself is made entirely from sounds effects taken from Street Fighter II. It's nerdy, it sounds good, and I totally love it.
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