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-DragonRider- Blog

It's Quiet....TOO Quiet!

Wow, things around here have been really, REALLY not active at all. I haven't seen a new Way Out There Fourm post in awhile. But whatever, we've all got lives to live, people to see places to go, all that boring stuff :P Things that have been goin' on in my neck of the woods: School get's out in 1 1/2 days: Holy Freaking w00t!! (actually, I'm at school right now) I'm not sure what's gonna be going on this summer. Stay here. It's to far to drive to see family in Oregon. Probally hang with my friends, wreak havoic, and work. Here the summer job for kids my age is detasseling corn fields. I figured I need/want some money to spend for the summer. I don't know if it's hard but my friend says it is....actually...the way he decribed it, it sounds like HELL! But I want $$$! I got to go because class is over... Gawd, I hate these Mac's >.

Far Cry Instincts

This is probally one of the best FPS's I've ever played. The Action/Adventure fell to it makes it worth playing. From the start, you can see why it isn't like other shooters. I found out the hard way that if you go in guns ablazn', you'll be dead quickly. The stealth/action aspect of this game makes it unique. The variety of weapons are great, but when you get weapons from enemey (say a sniper), there never seems to be enough ammo. Not to mention the vehicles. The land, sea, and air approach to the transportation was excelent. ALSO the preditor/prey play is awsome. This game got the 9.2 it deserved. Good game. If you have an Xbox, you should get it. If you do have it and XBL, find me and we can play a match or two (don't worry, I'm not that good :P). -DR-

No pain, no game... Double the pain!

I started basketball for the school team yesterday... Now, don't get me wrong, I like basketball but I'm not that "in-shape." I'm not ridiculously out of shape either, but some-what in the middle. Maybe out of shape isn't the word. I'm just not use to running or any major physical activity because I'd rather spend my time on the computer and/or playing videogames, or maybe the occasional hoop-shootn' for half an hour, or so than running for fun, or "the early morning jog," or anything that has to do with running. Plus, I just despise running :D. I knew Basketball was gonna be tough but when I started...WHAM!! It hit me like a friggn' truck! EVERY muscle on my arms and leg hurt like a bat outta Hades now! Running and practicing and drilling wore the crap out of me. See, school gets out at 3:15 or so and practice goes till end of school to 5:30 or later. We do all of the above pretty much non-stop start to finish. But I am learning how to conserve my stamina and build up some fortitude. Second practice was today and It was easier than the first. So, I guess one of my New Year Goals (I say goals rather than resolution because if you didn't do what you said you would do in your resolution, You already broke it. A goal is long term and if you mess up, you can try again....uh...anyway..) is to get some fortitude and get better at Basketball. Plus, I'm proud of my self do doing something I don't normally do.
I gotta go take some Ibuprofen! :P my legs have never hurt this bad!


Edit: I found out that I made the C-Squad.

That White Fluff Stuff.

Sleigh Bells ring...
are you listenin'?
in the lane,
snow is glissnin'
a beautiful sight,
happy tonight,
Walkn' in a Winter Wonderland

Ah ha! It finally snowed! Well, not in great amounts. It's slush right now, but all the weather stations say it'll snow all this week and were suppose to get 4-10 inches! I think a White Christmas/Kwanza/Hanukah is apon is. Snow really set's the atmosphere for the holiday, Hua?

The light are flickering.
I better go before a catastrophic system failure occurs.


P.S. is in snowing in your neck of the woods? if not yet, when will hit hit?

Miss me? Didn't think so...

    Hey guys. Your all like, "-DR-, sup dewd! where you been?" ...Probally not, but good to see you too :P Sorry I haven't been posting...or doing much of anything here latley. Sence the site redesign, I haven't been doing much (besides, I wasn't doing much before the change). So, hopefully I find stuff and start posting and become a regular user again. It's on my to-do list :wink:

   What I'm up to: So, I've been playing Call of Duty 2 . My computers graphics card isn't as good, so for me the graphics arn't as great. The new Franz Ferdinand CD is awsome and speeking of music, I found this band called The Kaizers Orchestria. There German, so I can't understand a word there saying , but there music is cool. Nebraska is fun, but I still miss my friends and my old school.
That's about it.


The ship has landed

Well, I'm finaly here in Nebraska. I actually arrived her 3 days ago (seems like a week).

Good things aobut Nebraska:

Homes are cheaper

The town in nice

I get the G4 channel :P

There are alot of stuff to do here

GREAT food

Negitive things aobut Nebraska:

I haven't made friends

I've had a stomache ache sence I got here

Were living in a hotel...

One we find a house, it'll be all good.


My trip and So much pain...AGAIN!

I went to Oregon and it was pretty fun. I got to see cusions I haven't seen in 6 years. I had fun....


... I'm sick with strep...AGAIN!! it's probaly becuase I drank a Sobe Adrenline Rush at like 6:00am and was up till like 2:00pm. Not enough sleep. I dunno what's up with this. I get it, then I'm over it for at least 2-4 months then it comes back then again. I'm going to the doctor at 2:00 so they can get me the REAL medication to fight this @#$%& thing off. It dosen't hurt as much as it did last time. I got my day planned out: Get a 5 peice Chicken Selects from McDonalds and rent Destroy All Humans. That game looks tizzight.
