Well after weeks of being able to listen to my iPod in class without any of my teachers noticing I finally got caught yesterday in prolly the crapest way. Well it was during math 5th period she'd just finish giving the lesson and the class started doing our work. I had my earphones around my neck but under my shirt so it was partically visible if you were behind me and looking down a bit. I only use my iPod during work time or free time cause I actually listen to the teacher durning the lessons.
Well I needed to go to the suppy cabinet for some sissors, so I put the earphones under my shirt so she wouldnt see since the suppy cabinet is nearby her desk. So I get look for the sissors she also got up to get something I guess, when I finally grab my sissors and go I turn around and she said... "What is this?" and pulls my earphones from my neck all the way out, the iPod was still in my pocket then she says "And the other" so in my mind I'm saying "ohh crap" ans I give her my iPod. Iorny is that yesterday another kid got caught with his iPod, he hesitated on giving them so I was like "Give her your iPod man your caught" (btw I had my iPod in my pocket during this lol)
She says I get in back in a week and just not having my iPod the next period my neck felt weird not having the earphone cord there :cries:, well it seems she didnt notify my parents which is the usual case with iPods, the iPod is kept till your parents pick it up for you. I'm glad shes just keeping it for a week and not notifying my parents I'd be so dead and I'd lose my iPod for a long time :cries:
So now I wait for a week till my precious iPod returns to me....If she looks at my songs I wonder what she'll think cause I got songs not everyone would have....
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