So with what Valve has done with to "punish" idlers and the halo hat rewards for those who didn't there been a lot of talk about it and I just felt like giving my two cents.
First I'll admit to it right now that I am one of the idlers who dad their items taken away recently, I lost two hats and bunch of dupicates I've been too busy to delete myself (thx valve for doing that for me). My reasoning for doing so is because I played over 30 hours a week playing that dam game and at months+ of which I got 1 hat and more of the weapons anyone will ever, ever need. When I found out about the idler program I thought I could use it during the few hours I'm on the computer NOT actually playing the game.
I do not have problem with what valve did to punish the idles it makes complete sense to take away the items earned trough the program. I'm not upset losing the two hats I did get trough it, I didn't earn it! Those who are complaining are idiots.
What I do find as problem was giving everyone else the Halos. It has created a divide between players online, those against idlers, the idlers, and those who don't care. So what is happening now is that some players are going not help people without halos and some aren't going help those who do have them. This whole thing now makes the already uncooridnated online teamwork a little worse.
I just wish Valve didn't feel the need to point out the idlers.