-Kiyoshi- / Member

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-Kiyoshi- Blog

Phoenix Down! And my first video...

From the looks of things I'm now level 10, so I can post videos :D

I posted a vid today, check it out.
It's the Main Character in Persona 3 Fes against Elizabeth the hidden boss, the player is playing in hard mode :o

This is only the 1st part, I still have to find a way to short the second part to 10m or less because it's current lenght is 10:03 minutes.

Here's the link: P3 Fes: MC Vs Elizabeth Part 1

Btw: I have nothing to do with the making of this video, the credits for it and the battle go directly to the maker, I just happen to found it on youtube and posted it here for you guys to check ;)

Thats all for today.

Fes has come!!! :DDDDDD

I ordered Persona Fes from the USA since i own a multi PS2(Pal/NTSC) and it came today it's so awesome!

I'm starting with The Journey, and I'm aiming for a perfect play through:
-Getting level 99 on main character
-Getting level 99 on most used chars
-Getting level 99 on favourite personas
-Maxing all the social links
-Getting Orpheus Kai(AMAGAWD)
-Beating Elizabeth
-Owning Nyx

I know it will be hard but it'll be fun :D

Also my Rogue Galaxy broke T_T, so this came in just in time!

Thats all for today.

Top 10 games from my favourite gaming store.. I was attacked by Ants! >=O

Yeah you heard me, I was attacked by Ants today in PE class D:

Those damn bugs bit me :'( my legs are all bitten.
But at least I learned something today, "Thou shall not get the PE football from the grass!" D:

Away from that I'm back to my Kohina streaming music.

And the top 10 from my favourite game store:

1st GTA 4 - Grand Theft Auto IV - PS3
2nd Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - PSP
3rd GTA 4 - Grand Theft Auto IV - XBox360
4th GT5 - Gran Turismo 5 Prologue - PS3
5th Mario Kart - Wii
6th Assassins creed - PC
7th Fifa 08 - PS3
8th Command and Conquer 3 Kane´s Wrath - PC
9th Assassins Creed - PS3
10th Army of Two - PS3

Yeah no Persona in there... WTF O_O!?

Finished Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition

I finished Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition the game isn't that big, only 20 missons D:

I've moved on to Rogue Galaxy, seems like a great game to me.
From what I've heard it's one of the best :D

Also it looks like I'll have Persona 3 Fes soon...YAY! :D


I've been watching..

..Nabari no Ou ( 隠の王 )

Nabari no Ou

It's a very recent anime only 3 episodes have aired.
Here goes a short description:

"Rokujou Miharu is a boy who has a hijustu (hidden technique) living inside of him. This hijustu is the power of creation. Many ninja clans are seeking it as the one who posesses it becomes the ruler of the ninja world. Rokujou's ****ate Kouichi started a nindou ("Way of the Ninja") club at school with Kumohira, his English teacher. Both Kouichi and Kumohira are secretly ninjas. They tried to persuade Rokujou to join the ninjustu club. At first, he was reluctant, but after being attacked by group of ninjas trying to get his hijutsu, he joins. He must become the Ruler of Nabari in order to survive."
in ANN

Even thought it's a ninja anime like Naruto it's ALOT better then that Naruto crap...

I've also been playing a bit of Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition and some Ökami.


New Cell :DDD

My new cellphone finally came in!!! :D

Now I can listen to my favourite OSTs in my way to school. :)

I hope my MP4 comes out of the repair shop soon :x
Until then Cellphone MP3 :D


I've beaten Persona 3 :D

I've finally beaten the game... phew

It was hard, considering that after you let Ryoji live you have to go up the whole tower T_T
But that was the only boring part :D

The next game I'll play will be...
Okami :D


Level up, new emblems

I've leveled up :D


I wonder how much time will it take to level up again :\

My tagging emblem also changed, I'm now a tagger maker! :D

In other news for some reason I lost my PS2 Aficionado Emblem D:
I hope it comes back soon T_T

Thats all for now,

Jaa `_`

I've been watching...

...BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad
BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad

It's a kinda old anime(2004-2005), even thought it's pretty cool.
It has a little of monotony but not too much, there is enough action for my taste and of course MUSIC!

I definitly recommend it.

In other news I'm almost finishing SMT: Persona 3 and getting ready to SMT: Persona Fes which comes out one week from today, I'm so excited :D

Catch ya later,

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