-LilCoop- / Member

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PS3 Launch - Oy!

Hi all!

To who so ever should find their way to my 1st blog here: Thanks 4 Stopping By!

Now on 2 business...

A number of months ago it was brought 2 my attention that soon Sony would B introducing a new friend (or foe, depending on who U R or where U satand) by the name of PS3.  At first I did not care;  It took me years of fighting with them B4 I gave N and finally purchased a PS1 and then the same with the PS2.  I hated the Xbox with a passion but must admit that the Xbox 360 was love @ first sight.  I was a Dreamcast fan and will B buying a new one very soon - My evil Mother threw mine away along with my Nintendo 64 and some of the games.  I curse her existence 2 this day 4 that... 

I got off topic - Anyhow, my friend was hyping up the PS3 sooooo much that I finally gave N and decided 2 jump on the bandwagon.  I have been following, waiting, debating, and strategizing since that day.  The PS3 has had it's share of ups and downs much like a roller coaster.  If I had 2 compare it 2 one - I would say the Giant Drop @ Six Flags because they slowly hype U up and suddenly drop U as if from out of the blue in the way of watered down GPU's, pushed back launch dates, crapy BlueRay news, and a slew of other depressing crap.  But none the less - I stay loyal and will B getting my PS3 on launch date @ all costs!  I am also going 2 get the Wii just 4 kicks...

I would write more, but I gotta go 2 class!!!