I'll be waiting way longer then you... I'm waiting til Final Fantasy 13 comes out... I'll probley pick up a 32 LCD too, So I can set it all up in my room... I hate sharing... RogueGoose
FFXIII?.. thats turned based right ? If it is, I cant stand that stuff. I need to be in control.
GDC is just around the corner. I really hope they announce another sku with a nicer BC and a nicer price and include the DS3 in the package and announce a date when they'll release it. So nobody knows, we just have to just wait. Play B3yond.
Well, say what you want, but with the PS3, I can and have watched next-gen movies with my girl while lemmings and sheeps watch last-gen movies with theirs.
Hundreds of thousands of lemmings with the obsolete add-ons. I say that's a lot. Microsoft is still selling the add-on. Talking about taking advantage of their customers. I am sure Microsoft is doing something now to fix the consoles. All I am certain of now is the that ALL models currently on sale are less reliable than the PS3 or the Wii.
All the while I play the best games on my Xbox 360, While my girl laughs at the PS3's games library.
Its all relative.
What if my girl laughs at the 360's library this year--after she watches a Blu-ray movie--while I play the best exclusives in 2008? Very likely.
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