Well I thought I should update this thing.
Anyways, I phone Microplay (it's a Quebec based videogame store, sorta like EBgames), and I'm hoping to sell my Gamecube, and my PSP with around 12 games (8 GC, 4 PSP) with 3 UMD movies. I'm doing this to buy the Wii next weekend.
So I'm on the phone with the lady and she tells me that they are not interested in trading in the PSP, but they would take my Gamecube. I ask her why they wouldn't take the PSP, and she said that they were not interested in taking PSPs at the moment.
So now I'm stuck w/ an unplayed PSP, just laying around, when someone could be happily enjoying it out there. And the launch of the PS3 is almost here, someone must want a PSP...
And I'm gonna be stuck without a Wii on launch, but oh well, back in the closet for my PSP.
Or I could just go to a pawn shop and get 100 bucks for it all...
Anyways...I'm out.
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