I posted this in the forums, but it seems no one made notce of it, so I mind as well postit here then. Anyways:
As much as I want to Revolution to come first in the next gen console wars, I don't think it'll happen. The best Nintendo could probably do is come 2nd, not 1st. I don't mean to disapoint anyone here, but we got to think logically here. You see, Nintendo has been called the "underdog" of the consoles for the past 2 generations after it was claimed the king of consoles and handhelds. Today, Sony holds much of the gaming market, the "Playstation" is becoming the household brand of videogames. Sony has been on top for the last 2 generations, and they have a high chance of claiming it again simply because they are pretty well known for their consoles. They have alot of 3rd party support also, which greatly helps sales.
If Nintendo ever wants to hold the number 1 spot again, they'll have to work hard for the next gen (get good 3rd party support, good online support, steady flow of games, etc.). So if next gen is pretty good for the Revolution, Nintendo could have a chance of regaining that number one spot they formally had, in future generations of gaming. They have to win the respects of alot of gamers and developers if they are thinking about being number one again (which is not any of their concern though).
Affordable prices doesn't exactly mean it'll sell a lot, look at the Gamecube, it was the lowest priced console this generation, and that didn't help boost much sales. People look at the prices and think "That's the least amount, which means it'll be cheap and shoddy". People look at cheap prices thinking it's a cheap product, so it didn't exactly help Nintendo with sales.
Anyways, I'm done. Whadda you think?
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