Yep, just one of those days where nothing really happens. I'm bored right now. I would post a "Comic of the Day" but the pictures don't show up on the blog anymore haha, so no point in doing that.
So yeah, haven't been up to much lately. Bought Mario Kart DS a couple days back, and let me tell you it is one of the best games I have ever played in a long time. Probably in my top 10 best games ever played, haha. It's just so fun, online is limited but really fun. Haha, kicking other people's butt over the net and people you don't even know :lol:.
Anyways...yeah. I also found out that RedDragonKing has passed a couple weeks back. Really sad, he seemed like a really cool person. He was actually the only one who posted on my blogs haha. Miss that dude. Seems weird to be sad for someone you never knew, but he seemed like the most rad person on GS haha. So this is for you RDK.
Anyways...thought I would update once in a while, ha. So...C ya!
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