Little update.
Still no luck finding a Wii, but there is apparently big sales going on everywhere on the 18th (Walmart, FutureShop, etc). So I'm goin got try my luck there, and also phone everyday this week, who know's maybe I'll get lucky.
Before I was only checking one place (Micrplay) since I only had enough, I had credit there. Now my mom gave me the rest of the, so now I have more places to look. It'll be my Christmas present from her (even though I'm playing more than half of it :P), but I'm happy with it. If I don't manage to get one by Christmas, I'll be patient like I learned and wait till the new year.
Anyways, appartently my banner wasn't showing (I deleted it from my hard-disk, stupid me), but I made a new one and saved it on Photobucket, it's the same thing as my old one, except people can see it now.