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Its Raining

Weird thing that weather yesterday it was 29 degrees Celsius now its storming you can hear thunder but you don't see the flashes... Alot of people don't wear coats so they are all soaked :lol:

My new account is up and running like crazy already got 60+ posts and am almost level 2 the only thing I need now is 2000 minutes online for being able to post sigs and such... I made a journal banner but it cannot be used yet :( It's pretty nice and stuff ...

The really big problem is I need to walk the dogs actually just 1 and its really raining outside :| Either I race around the park or I wait patiently I'm not very patient but.... its growing less now no thunder strikes still raining though... I wonder when this country get flooded everywhere :) then I could surf without going to the beach :lol:

Till later

-PureDemon- signing out