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Replaying Resident Evil 4

Ahhh scary *hides under table* actually so far I haven't been scared at all, I'm currently in chapter 4-1 and I need to get to chapter 6 by the end of the day... I just hate chapter 5 the Regenarators scare the crap outta me. So I'm gonna scroll through a Faq to see excactly where they appear.

Anyways so far it was fun I blastes some enemies with ease and the Bella Sisters weren't as hard as in Mercenaries, but I do need to upgrade a lil. I can't believe I actually took the Blacktail with me this time oh wel wish me luck on Krauser and the Regenarators and I'll be fine afterall I died 3 times already :P

Anyway I've got a long way ahead of me so I hope I'll survive the coming battles in one piece... The thing I'm worried most about though is the knife fight sequence, cause well I tried going through the game without being killer and I got killed there

I'm off to play I will be on later and I still have a banner to make.
