its xmas eve morning and im yet again bored enough to write another blog to an audience that barely knows i exist.
so letsee...my latest gaming addictions..
Ninjatown for the DS had me hooked for days, its a superb strategy that has cutesy anime style graphics. but its VERY addictive, you place "ninja huts" in places on the level to stop the advancing demon armies. there are many enemies and so there is a small selection of ninjas to combat each type. for flying demons you'll want to use your sniper ninjas. for the slow heavy armoured "chubby" devils you'll want your anti ninja, they pack a whollop!
so yeah basicly you get different ninjas. unlocking more as u progress through the story to defend a checkpoint in an area. if 10 demons pass the area without being destroyed you lose the level. cookies (the currency used) are earned when you defeat enemies, they can be used to buy more ninja huts or upgrade your existing ones. the music and sound effects are also amusing. the satisfying whack when one of you ninjas attacks sounds brill.
ah i forgot to mention the ninja powers and tokens. you'll build up a meter when you dispose of enemies. when its filled up to lvl 1,2 or 3 you'll be able to use a certain ninja power. also when you complete a level, a slot machine will appear. tap the screen and it will stop on a certain token. tokens can be placed on the map, they have some helpful effects. such as the ninja baby which will slow down your enemies or the ninja dropping which will poison and damage your enemies in a nearby area.
Fire Emblem: sacred stones
i recently got back into FE. if you dont know what that is then maybe you've heard of advance wars? no? well its kind of similar except its a more medevil setting, and your units earn XP. its basicly like a turn based strategy game with RPG elements. and of course you follow along a very predicatble story..kingdom falls. they fight back...evil dragon/person tries to do some nasty horrible thing and eventually you end up beating the S*** out of there ass. very addictive but very annoying if you want to keep ALL of your units..cuz once theyre HP goes to 0 theres no getting them back..no phoenix downs or revive spells in this one folks.
Riviera : the promised land
this is a little RPG gem that managed to rget past me somehow. it came out in 2002 for the GBA and was ported to the PSP with some graphical improvments i think..and voiceovers. its another japanese anime style game that you see cropping up EVERYWHERE these days. it has all the crazy hair styles and the infamous "redness around the nose to show shyness or being embararessed" you can take, sure these hair styles dont glow bright yellow when they scream AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! but there crazy enough..but thats besides the point. its actually VERY good. to say it was originally made for a crappy GBA. the story is unique too with some nice humour thrown in. i stumbled across it when i was browsing gamespot..then went to youtube to check out a video AND WHAT DO I FIND!?!? a bathing lebo scene from the game!!! WHATDAFUUUUUUUU,,,,,
of course thats not why i got it....the "grim angels" are servants of the magi or something who want to prevent another ragnarok(a big ass war between gods and demons) two grim angels are sent to riviera, they fight demons along the way and you get familiarized with the game with the help of your talking pussycat who for some reason has friggin' bat wings. so you come to the end of "heavens gate" and this phoenix thing attacks you, this girly summons it. you defeat it but she takes the main character, ereases his memmory and throws him into the village he was sent to destroy - riviera, in hopes he will change his mind. he does...(freakin obvious!!) and then has to journy to defeat "the accursed" kinda like big boss monsters. im guessin there gona drop some key shards or something so you can unlock hidden power or some S***.
Merry xmas and a happy new year.
riviera : the promised land
Fire emblem:sacred stones
FF7 (cid only challenge)
il write another blog nxt week my sweet invisible audience.