-Rinder-'s forum posts
[QUOTE="e_stone001"]There's a chance both the PS4 and the next Xbox will be announced this year and released next year. I don't think Sony and MS would want the Wii U to catch steam for being the newest console out, so they'd probably push through their next iteration sooner because of it. Not once chance at all.. I believe the earliest it will be released is 2014, if that.I knew that it's not coming out this year, but Sony could announce it at TGS though and have it release for fall 2013.
Once you start-up the PS3, a warning message comes up. Is there a way to shut it off?
Yes there is, its called "waiting 3 seconds"
+1At the core MW3's MP is the same game with a fresh coat of paint "BUT" I must say that there have been some improvements in certain areas. Here's my list of minor improvements...
1. The ability to save and edit matches(borrowed from Black ops) - That feature is there....
2. New Killstreak setup - They changed the killstreak setup and it's much better than before in almost everyone's opinion.
3. Get hackers and glitchers banned - What hackers..what glitchers..? Besides the slide glitch which isn't a big deal at all.. only people who trickshot know about it and is very, very hard to do.
4. Balanced weapons - Don't know what to say here.. this is the most balanced CoD game since CoD4
5. Much improved Spec ops co-op - No clue how they could improve it...
Now, give me your list of(if any)improvents for MW3's MP.(MW3 FANS ONLY PLEASE):)
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