Before you read this small article, please know that if you have not seen the movie yet, I highly recommend not reading this article *due to spoilers*. Don't say I didn't warn you. ;)
I have long waited to watch this movie on the big screens. I have witnessed an amazing movie that I believe revolutionizes the way we do movies. It is very interesting how the camera is positioned at an angle where the audience can see great detail in the many battles this movie has revealed.
I'll make it short and simple to get my point out. As the movie goes along to the end, the King of Sparta foreshadows his death where he feels he needs to die for his country and be remembered for generations after generations. This is where the movie has lost me and I felt that this movie was beginning to lose its quality.I hate to see these soldiers who are so powerful go down so easily in the end. It just doesn't make any sense. I feel the writers and director of this movie totally ran out of ideas and they wanted to make it so called, a "dramatic" ending. I am not upset about the fact that they died but the way they died. The fact that the King of Sparta sent a handful of soldiers back home to tell about him and the soldiers fighting beside him made it very clear that he was wanting to die that day. I still give this movie a pretty high score since the action in the battles were so well-done but it could have earned an even higher score if the ending was not such a poorly thought out ending in my opinion.
Here is a little quote:
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
--George S. Patton
Feel free to post your opinions about the movie and the ending.
Please remember that these thoughts are only my opinion.
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