-Sora / Member

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Whoo, me changing my mind again...

Yea i decided to sell my 360 and get a PS3. I kinda felt that there are just more games on the PS3 that i really like, where as on the 360 i only really wanted Mass Effect and Halo 3 and a few other multiplatform games, that are also on the PS3. I also wont have to worry about red lights or disc scratching. The main problem i had was the 360 was noise, i know some people seem to think that "its not that loud, you will get used to it". Well its been six months and i still cant handle the noise it makes, i just couldnt enjoy playing my games listening to it. Plus im more of a Singleplayer gamer.

So yay. And here are the games im looking forward too getting

Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Assassin's Creed, MGS4, Metal Gear OnlineHeavenly Sword, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Jak and Daxter: the Lost Frontier, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, White Knight Story, Final Fantast XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Kingdom Hearts 3, Resident Evil 5, Unreal Tournament 3, Team ICO project,maybe Killzone 2.

Got flamed by a few friends already :P