Lol@ TF2 being the greatest FPS shooter! Why do so many like BF2BC? Some people will buy anything when they are bored and waiting for other games to come out. Like someone said above it's going to flop after a short while.
-Stephanie-'s forum posts
If your young and spending alot of time online or playing games you need to start living real life not having virtual relationships online and sitting in front of a tv/monitor.
pass as it will be in bargin bin or on sale in a month
We have a winner! Why pay full price for a coaster?
The first one looked and played better.
The controls are horrible but I thought it looked ok, could of been a big hit but I think they missed the boat. Too bad really.
LJ basic is my favorite. dissonantblackThat person makes me sick and is actually really pathetic. I cannot see how anyone would pick them to be the favorite.
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