-Stretch- Blog
by -Stretch- on Comments
2day i got a detention from one of my teachers. okay there was paper under my desk and my teacher told me 2 pick it up so i did. then another kid put more paper under my desk and i didnt c cause i was watching a movie. and i left class and then my teacher comes 2 my class i was in and says u got detention 2day. i was like wtf. i cleaned my area up and he was like theres paper there. and i said dat isnt fair and he goes life isnt fair. so gay
bball game
by -Stretch- on Comments
2day i played bball and we my team won 62-5, i would call dat owning, wouldnt u?
by -Stretch- on Comments
i went fishing yesterday and my cuzin said he saw a small turtle, so me my cuzin and my other cuzin try 2 catch da turtle. i got near the lake wit a bucket and everytime it came up above da water it was my job 2 catch it wit da bucket so.. we kept trying and like 2 -3 hours later we finally catch it. my uncle caught 2 fishes and we caught a turtle. we named him TEC.
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