I've been thinking lately, and this thought struck me as an idea. I don't think some of us appreaciate Super Mario Sunshine enough. I mean, some people don't like it for various reasons. Like graphics [which are great, anyways], levels, and ideas. Well, I think before you say you don't like it, you really need to think. Do you know why? No, you don't. =D Okay, I'll spill. If you think of past Mario games, and even newer ones, they're all mostly ordered levels and the occasional minigame on DS. Well, Super Mario Sunshine is diffrent. Super Mario Sunshine gives you some freedom, picking levels and things to do. And if you're really bored, you can even goof off. But in the classical and newer ones, it's all ordered levels without the choice on what to do. To me, this is a good point because no other games I know of [Mario ones] have this. And although I really like the ordered ones [like Super Mario 3, love that game!], it's nice to have freedom. Think about that, and feel free to comment or contact me. ^^;
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