I have no Earthly idea what my username is, so I have not been able to log in since the site update. I figured maybe my password was wrong, but the password recovery on the new site is most certainly broken. It says no account has my email, yet when I found the old gamespot password reset page still active...putting in the same email on that immediately worked. I had my password right all along anyway though. I just don't know what my username is. I have never known my username or had any need to since I have always logged in with my email. I never entered my username into my password program, because there is no need to ever know it when you log in...with an email. This wouldn't be a problem considering you would think a single one of the hundreds of emails I have from gamespot would say my username in them, but alas...not a single one does. You would think this issue would have been forseen when it was randomly decided to make it so you could no longer log in with an email....
I apologize for my poor mood, but I just did about twenty tests to prove I am a human in order to try a ton of different usernames before doing it once more to make this account so I could post. Could anyone please help?
Also, the Contact Us form still seems to be broken, either that or...it just doesn't show any signs of the message having been sent when you click submit. All the data in the fields just disappears...
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