Heyy...how are you??
I'm on vacations....and also bored! I should be studying because of that ninja-test (or vestibular) to enter in a university (I've talked about it)...but I think I'll give myself a break!
Most of my friends went to Maringa today (about 300km away from here) to do this ninja-test...I didn't go because Maringa's university doesn't have the course I want! I don't want to do this test but I want to go to Maringa with them!! They're gonna spend 3 days in the city...and there's a lot of future freshmen there...They'll have so much fun and I'm gonna stay home alone because I don't have company to go out with! :cry:
As I don't have anything to do, I'm watching tv series! (what a big surprise!). Actually I'm watching one show, Grey's Anatomy and I'm already addicted! It's so good when you don't have to wait a week to see the next episode!! I'm in season 2 (I've just watched episode 7)...I love McDreamy, Izzie, George, still in doubt about Meredith and Cristina (don't ask me why although I love their dramas)...my feelings about Alex come and go....sometimes I hate him, some times I love him....right now I'm loving him, after (SPOILER coming) he kissed Izzie!!
Just recieved a text message from my friend who went to Maringa...she said the hotel sucks and she misses me! :lol:
My mom is beginning to let me drive! I know how to drive...I live in a...I don't know how it's called...it's like a closed neighborhood...a closed condomin (does this word exist?).Whatever, my parents never let me drive outside because I don't have a license (we need to be 18 to have one here). A lot of friends of mine drive without license...my mom never let me but know she found out that her friend let her son drive too...and she's teaching me how to drive on the streets! Last Saturday (7am there's nobody on the streets) I went driving to school (with her next to me of course) and today I took my sister to a girl's house who lives near by...she also said she'll let me go to the supermarket today (it's also near by)...Ohh wait, I gotta go pick up my sister right now!
I have a little problem with being in the right side of the street...so I almost 'faced' a bus when I turned a corner! But I was calm and could fix it!! My mom doesn't need anything from the supermarket so I'm not going anymore! But I drive enough for today! :)