-amanda- / Member

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Long survey for bored people!


Today I was going to school on foot (my school stay 3km away) but fortunatelly my neighbor gave me a ride! The clas$es were very boring, most of the students didn't come because yesterday night we had a concert in town, Nx zero, kinda of an emo band, i don't like them so i didn't go!

It's getting late but I'm ot sleepy (which is bad considering tomorrow i have to go to school)

Wait, tomorrow is Saturday! Ohh that's right, it doesn't matter because I study at the only school in town that have clas$es on saturdays!!! I hope all my effort be worth and I get in a college next year.

I was really bored so I decided to take a survey! It's not one of the best I've seen but feel free to copy if you're bored too!

---------------LAST PERSON WHO--------------
x. Slept in your bed: me
x. Saw you cry: i don't remember...
x. Made you cry: the dentist!
x. You shared a drink with: my friends - barbara and isa
x. You went to the movies: ex-boyfriend
x. You went to the mall with: relatives - parents, sister and cousins!
x. Yelled at you: my sister
x. Sent you an email: youtube service!

-----------------HAVE YOU EVER---------------
x. Have you ever liked someone who hadn't like you?: who hasn't??
x. Said "I Love You" and meant it? thiago (not the ex-boyfriend, the one before lol)
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: no
x. Been to California: no
x. Been to Hawaii: no
x. Been to Mexico: no
x. Been to China: no
x. Been to Canada: no
x. Danced naked: no
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?: no (god, i'm so boring!)
x. Do you have a crush on someone: maybe...i'm not sure!
x. What book are you reading now: como e porque sou romancista - jose de alencar (for school)
x. Worst feeling in the world: when someone you know passes away
x. Future son's name: have never really thought about it...i like kyle (but i'l never put this name if my son be born in brazil!)
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
x. What's under your bed: an extra mattress ;D
x. Favorite sport to watch: i hate to watch sports, but i like world soccer cup!
x. Siblings: one sister - barbara
x. Location: ourinhos - sp - brazil
x. College plans: i still have my doubts but i'm thinking about eletrical engineering!
x. boyfriend/Girlfriend: i want to stay away from relationships for sometime!

------------------------EXTRA STUFF----------------------
x. Do you do drugs: no
x. Do you drink: on rare ocasions!
x. What are you most scared of: crowds and elevators! lol
x. Where do you want to get married: i don't want to get marry...or at least i don't think about it
x. Who do you really hate: people who think they're better then everyone
x. Been in Love: yes
x. Do you drive: yes but i don't have a license!
x. Do you have a job: no
x. Do you like being around people: not a lot!

x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: no...my boyfriends/friends were always nice!
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go for? sweet boys
x. Want someone you don't have right now: a super-smart brain!
x. Are you lonely right now: depends what you mean by lonely...
x. Song thats sticks in your head a lot: right now - look after you by the fray
x. Do you want to get married: i have already answered...but no!
x. Do you want kids: no! (i'm not saying never, but i don't dream about it!)

x. Room in house: mine
x. music: when you were young - the killers
x. Band(s): the killers, the kooks, arctic monkeys, oasis, maroon 5....
x. Color: black
x. Perfume or cologne?: egeo
x. Month: october
x. Stone: i'm not a fan of stones lol

--------------IN THE LAST WEEK, HAVE YOU---------------
x. Cried: no
x. Bought something: may i say food? =p
x. Gotten sick: i'm healthy!
x. Sang: in the shower!
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: no, thank you
x. Met someone new: yes
x. Missed someone: yes
x. Hugged someone: i think so...
x. Kissed someone: in the mouth? no =/

----------- I N F O R M A T I O N ------------
Name: Amanda
Status: single
Sex: female
Birthday: 01/10
Sign: libra...i don't know how to say this in english!
Hair color: light brown
Eye color: light brown
Height: 1.67 m

----------- F A S H I O N | S T U F F --------------
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: curitiba (not a store, a city!)
Favorite designer?: i don't know
What is your sexiest outfit?: a shorts and a black blouse...i don't know how to describe but it's simple and i look good lol
What is your most comfortable outfit?: the ones i only use at home!
What do you usually wear?: jeans, t-shirt and sneakers

-------------- S P E C I F I C S -------------------
What kind of shampoo do you use?: seda, natura...
What are you listening to right now: my sister talking....man, she talks a lot!
Who is the last person that called you? my friend isa
How many buddies are online right now?: i'm not on msn!

------------- F A V O R I T E S -----------------
Foods: chocolate
girls name: amanda ^^
Boys names: leo, kyle, brian, guilherme, bernardo
Subjects in school: physics
Animals: dogs!

---------------- H A V E | Y O U | E V E R -------------
Given anyone a bath? my sister and my dog!
Smoked?: no
Bungee jumped?: noooo
Made yourself throw up?: no....ew
Ever been in love?: yes (i think i've seen this question somewhere here!)
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: i tried, but i couldn't!
Cried when someone died? yeah =(
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Done something you regret?: yess

------------- fave ---------------------
Music: when you were young...i have told you this, this survey is repetitive!
Smell: chocolate!
Desktop picture: one of lost with the numbers (4 8 15 16 23 42)
DVD in player: idk...

--------------- A R E | Y O U ---------------------
Understanding: no
Open-minded: maybe...depends
Arrogant: a little lol0
Insecure: yes
Random: maybe
Hungry: yes
Smart: no
Organized: noo
Healthy: yes
Shy: yes
Difficult: yes
Bored easily: yeeeeeah
Obsessed: with somethings...
Angry: yeah
Sad: no
Happy: yes
Hyper: idk
Trusting: yes

--------- W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A --------
Kill?: wow...never thought about it....shooting?
Slap?: in the face!
Get really wasted with?: adam brody lol

------------------ R A N D O M ---------------------
In the morning I: don't like talking
All you need is: happiness
Love is: too complicated
I dream about: being successful
What do you notice first in the opposite sex you're into: if he's beautiful!

--------- W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ---------------
Coke or Pepsi: diet coke
Flowers or candy: candyyy
Tall or short: tall

-------------- D O | Y O U | E V E R -----------------
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: yess
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: sometimes things are eaiser for men, but if i were one of them, i'd be gay!
Wish you were younger: yes...i wanto to be a baby again!!
Cried because someone said something to you?: yes

----------------- N U M B E R --------------
Of times I have had my heart broken: 1
Of CD's I own: not many...
Of scars on my body: 2 (little small ones, less them 1cm, they're simetrical one of each arm and i have no idea where i got it!)