-amanda- / Member

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Nothing to do + survey

You know when you have a lot of things to do but you don't want to do anything? That's how I am right now! I have a lot, a lot of subjects to study, but I don't feel like doing it!! I feel bad because I'm not studying...but f*ck it! lol I know I'll regred later, but that's a problem for future amanda! lol again

I'm bored = survey

which one do u prefer more:
lollipops or gum? *** gum
america or britain? *** britain
strawberries or bananas? *** strawberries
spiderman or batman? *** spiderman
rocks or stones? *** what's the diference?
may or october? *** october, my birthday!
17 or 92? *** none! lol
scared or humiliated? *** scaredd
bunny or rabbit? *** bunny, idk
tropical or temperate? *** tropical for sure (i'm already freezing with this ridiculous tropical winter)
vamps or werewolves? *** vamps!!

just answer the questions...
what was the last book you've read? *** A cidade e as serras, only half of it
what was the last movie you watched? *** stardust, and i loved it
whens the last time you sang jingle bells? *** hmmm...i have no idea
what kind of music do you listen to? *** indie rock
if you got to be the age you are in any year what year would it be? *** idk...the age i'd be the happiest!
whats your name? *** amanda
do you like marshmellows? *** yeah
whats something that pisses you off? *** people who think they're the only one that exists!
do you have a cat? *** i'm a dog person
how many more days until school starts? *** my vacations haven't even started yet!
where are you? *** my room
do you have any current cuts or bruises? *** i have a bruise in my leg, but i have no idea where i got it!
whens the last time you went to the beach? *** january
who's the last friend you saw? *** actually it was a group of friends: karen, murilo, thais, tandgy and deraum
what was your first favourite band? *** my first? it was a singer called angelica
are you chewing gum right now? *** no

I found a Lost survey right now, but it's too long and I'd have to put one question by one...i'm too sleepy for that! good night people!