I'm angry! I was finishing to write the blog post and closed the page , pressing Crtl + something!! :evil:
Here it goes again!
Hey people, It's 2:45 am right know and I jsut got back from this annual fair (or festival, i'm not sure how to say this in english) we have in town. It lasts about two weeks, it's free and there are concerts everyday! The whole city goes there!
Today it was very fun. There were me, 2 girl-friends and 2 boy-friends (friends, not people that are dating). The boys went to the roller coaster (i'm not sure if that's the name again) and they held hands! Very gay!
But then I felt bad about something. My ex-boyfriends was there. He was drunk, went to this roller coaster and threw up. I didn't know what to do. I'm still feeling very bad about it. i think he was trying to prove a point, idk.
The concert was of a girl, Wanessa Camargo, that I think is very lame! We mocked her a lot. She forgot the lyrics when was covering a band!! By the way, she did a lot of covers! It was fun.
We stayed there for a little more and then went away. When we were trying to get to the parking lot, we saw a man lying in the stairs (there are a big roll of stairs). His eyes were kinda open, and didn't move. Somebody threw a can at him, but he was still paralised. I think he was dead. H really seemed dead. I hope he was just drunk. I think I won't be able to sleep, it's very very scary. I don't want to have nightmares!! lol