I did a blog post yesterday, I was going to wait a little longer until next one but I was tagged! I'm so happy! Thanks alguna!
:shock: I saw a gossip telling that Chace Crawford (Nate) and Ed Westwick (Chuck) from Gossip Girl are in real life more than just friends :shock: I really hope it's a lie! They are too beautiful, women team can't lose these two! (especially Chace! lol). Honestly I'm not beliving, but who knows?!
Tomorrow I'll have a chemistry test! First the teacher got some easy questions for the test but some boys found the resolution, now I think the teacher will make everything harder! I'm not very confident, but I think I'll be okay! Ohh and I discovered an easy way to memorize the standard acids (like HNO3, H2CO3...) but it only works for portuguese speakers!
I'm with a back ache since yesterday...I guess it's because I sit in the wrong way and lack of exercises! I need a massage! lol
About the tagging....alguna actually told me to write 10 interesting things about me, but I just realised that know! Sorry, I wasn't paying attention when I read so I wrote 10 weird things about me! I'm a weird person, so there's a lot to write! here it comes
1. I kinda talk to myself (not out loud) in english - what's weird about it? my first language is portuguese
2. I'm afraid of people. I hate walking alone at any time of the day, I always feel like someone may be stocking me.
3. I hate small talk. I always get mad with my mom when she starts to tell our lives to balconists, for example, they don't wanna know why we're shopping, they just want us to give the money!
4. I love fire, to see things burning...i'm not a psycho, don't worry, but flames are beautiful!
5. I have tendency to not like people. I mean, I don't even know the person but I don't like her/him just for it's way to behave. I've been proved wrong many times.
6. I hate elavators! I avoid them a lot, stairs are always better, specially when I'm alone!
7. I'm not very girly...I like make-up but hate painting my fingernails, wearing high heels...
8. I'm not sentimental and i don't enjoy boys who love to express their feelings. That's one of the reasons why I broke up with my last boyfriend. Once, we went to the movies and he cried when the dog died! He didn't tried to hide or whatever, he was just touched! And the dog was a recurring role! (I'm not saying this is wrong, it's just not my type of man :P)
9. Nowadays I hate sports or any kind of physical activities althought I did ballet classes for 7 years and 1 year of street dance (the street dance thing was my rebellion against all the excess of dicipline ballet demands)
10.I love blog posting here because nobody really knows me, so I'm not trying to cause a good impression or caring what you're going to think about me! (think about good things please! lol)
Am I weird? totally! ;)