@lostn: While that mirror is in the game, you couldn't actually see your face. If I remember correctly you could only see like from the shoulders/neck down as the face was obscured from the dirt on the mirror and the first person perspective.
This guy just modded/hacked it to basically place a camera in front of the mirror and then position the character in front of it, giving us a different camera angle to actually see the character model's face, aka Norman Reedus.
What I wonder is, if Lisa is always behind us, how come we can't see her in the mirror too?
@doomsdayhell01: I think you have the option for in-store credit or cash. However if you choose cash, you won't get nearly as much as you would for in-store credit.
I think they just load up a gift-card for the in-store credit, but not really sure.
Really wish they'd remake MGS3 with the FOX engine. Hell I'd even take a port of the MGS3 HD onto PS4 but with the cut scenes they've showed off for their Pachinko machines.
I don't know about some of these commenters but I'm not ashamed in the least about my gaming collection. Majority of my friends are all gamers too. Some also collectors. So they all tend to understand and appreciate a collection. Hell my neighbor is a nearly 50 year old lady that collects the Play-Arts statues of Final Fantasy and Street Fighter characters. And, my friends that aren't gamers, well some items I have on display can lead to fun conversations but overall they know it's what I enjoy and they have their own hobbies so there isn't no judgement.
As for the statue, it's definitely pretty. Bloodborne is a great game with an amazing atmosphere.
While I think it's extremely petty of the guy to sue, and generally rude of someone to text a lot while on a date/in the theatre, I do feel there's not enough details to really hate the chick like many of the commenters seem to.
I say this because we don't know enough details surrounding the entire event. If they just talked a bit online, she picked him up, and they went straight to the movies, perhaps she felt really awkward? She could have been asking a friend for advice, expressing how she felt, and bailed on him as she didn't want to ride alone with him home? Who knows.
Then again, she could have just been rather rude and inconsiderate for him and all the other theater goers. Overall I don't think that warrants a lawsuit. He should have just told her how rude he thought she was and wrote her off and left it at that. I know I wouldn't want to associate with the guy or go on a date with him if I knew how easily he takes to suing someone.
Edit: Also, did he even try just asking her politely to stop texting?
@santinegrete: If that were possible it definitely needs to be installed in cars. At least to deactivate cell phones while the car is on. The amount of people I see texting while driving on a daily basis is insane.
Personally I feel 30$ is a little steep when I believe something similar was released for BO1 (the Rezurecction DLC) for 15$ and that included a brand new map at the time, Moon. Along with that, Rezurecction was given free to those who had the Hardened/Prestige Edition.
I did still buy it anyways as Zombies has always been a great game to play with buds for a whole night. I remember pulling a few all nighters just because we were getting into the high 40s and just wanted to beat that record. There hasn't been too many games that have gotten us to do that together in awhile.
Overall though the maps look great. It's so cool to see Nacht and play on it with the gameplay BO3 offers. Moon's Biodome also looks awesome, so much plant life I had never really noticed before.
Totally loved PaRappa and Elite Beat Agents when I was a kid. Both felt so unique. Hope this does get funded and turns out to be a fun game. The art alone already has my interest.
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