Hey, just letting you all know...I'm still alive.
Summer so far...meh, been working a lot, with NOTHING to show for it (I had money to blow on such things like a 360, some nice clothes and was thinking about getting an iPhone, but thanks to student loans, I have none of that)...but that's about to change since I'm going to quit my job and go to British Columbia with my family. That was the original plan all along to go to BC but work came along and denied my request for time-off. So screw it, I'm going anyways haha.
So this was some summer this turned out to be, but hey...it happens right? 4 month long summer, I'm pretty much dying to get back to University by now.
Gaming wise? Been trying to get some of that done, but like I said, work was pretty much slave driving me. My Wii is gathering dust, because work and because Ninty hasn't provided me (ie. the general gamers) with games. Their E3 showing was pitiful in my opinion as well everyone else's. But at least Iwata apologized for their lackluster E3 presence. But on the bright side, they gave us Ravi who will always be there to remind us what Nintendo is all about now...hardcore mother****ing drumming.
So I've decided to get a 360 now, because a.) RE5 (!!!) and b.) FFXIII (!!!!!) and the new interface looks cool, despite being a complete rip off of the Miis.
Anyways,just a small update of what's going on lately.