To me, an RPG is:
-a game where the player is awarded experience points for completing certain tasks, such as killing monsters, doing quests, etc. The player uses these experience points to become stronger and better able to complete harder tasks, such as killing stronger monsters, etc.
The most famous RPGs are most likely the Final Fantasy series. Most Final Fantasy games are "turn-based." In these games, the most common form of combat are the random battles. In random battles, the party, which usually consists of three characters, all line up and take turns performing actions that the player chooses from the menus. At the end of the battle, when the player has killed all of the monsters, the characters are awarded experience points for completing the tasks. After getting enough experience points, that character will "level up" and become stronger.
Not all RPGs are turn-based, though. Kingdom Hearts uses real-time combat, combat in which the player runs around, attacks, and tries to avoid getting hit. The player and the enemy do not take turns performing actions. Once a monster is killed, the character is awarded experience points for killing the monster, just like in the random battles of a turn-based RPG.
While there is skill and strategy involved in playing an RPG of any kind, the biggest component is "time."
Some guy could be the most nimble, dextrous gamer, but if he doesn't put the time into the game, he can't win based on pure skill. RPGs require the player to "grind": spend much time fighting monsters without progressing to get experience in order to level up. If he can't get past a certain boss, he has to go outside the area and kill enough lesser beings before he has what it takes to kill the boss and progress.
There is now that annoying element of unnecessary challenge.
It's like paying to have your sins forgiven, it doesn't matter how sorry you are or how hard you want to repent, it only matters how much you can dish out to purify your soul.
It not only makes it frustrating for those want to progress, but can't because "that guy's STR and DEX need to be higher", it goes the other way too.
If some guy spends a very long time in the first area of a game to get to an extremely high level, prematurely, his characters may be really strong, but it doesn't mean he is a better player, it only means he has put the time into completing a menial task "thousands" of times over.
All upcoming challenge is then avoided.
One may argue, in Kingdom Hearts, for the most part, the player can go the entire game without taking damage. This is true, but there are points where the player has to kill enough enemies in the "time limit," and to kill them fast, the characters must be a high enough level. If the time limit is reached and there are still monsters, GAME OVER. That player must then go "grind." It has nothing to do with dying or health; the player can lose if he or she runs out of time.
In the end, RPGs support the spoils system, awarding those who have/pay the most [time], and ignore the merit system, awarding those competent or skilled enough to complete the task. This cannot be avoided. This is the very nature/essence of an RPG.
RPGs pay the player a wage, a reward for all of the time he or she puts in to do the job.
Non-RPGs pay the player a salary, same amount regardless of how long the job took to complete.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-ox Blog
Level 20 starts today.
by -o-o-o-o-o-o-ox on Comments
October 9th, 2006
Today is my first day of being a Metal Slime.
When will it end, no one knoews...
Today is my first day of being a Metal Slime.
When will it end, no one knoews...
A Flicky no more.
by -o-o-o-o-o-o-ox on Comments
I am no longer a Flicky:(, I am a Gitaroo Man.
Flicky was fun while it lasted, and is easily the coolest level name, but it's all gone, everything and all that could have been, is gone.
Life is pain.
Flicky was fun while it lasted, and is easily the coolest level name, but it's all gone, everything and all that could have been, is gone.
Life is pain.
I am a Flicky! I love it!!
by -o-o-o-o-o-o-ox on Comments
Level 17 took a long time, very long in fact. Last night, before I went to bed, I saw my status as "Level 17, 97%". When I got on the computer today, I noticed I was Level 18 and at 13%! WOW! I excitedly clicked the "forums" button to see my new title.
I was very pleased.
I am a "Flicky".
It's the coolest sounding level so far, yet I have this feeling that it is just going to go way too fast.:(
Oh well, while it's here, I'll enjoy it. :D
I was very pleased.
I am a "Flicky".
It's the coolest sounding level so far, yet I have this feeling that it is just going to go way too fast.:(
Oh well, while it's here, I'll enjoy it. :D
There are only "3" games I want for any version of the XBOX.
by -o-o-o-o-o-o-ox on Comments
I don't want an XBOX or an XBOX 360 because of the lack of games that interest me, but there are 3, or 4, depending on how you look at it, games that I want for either of the Xbox's.
XBOX games I want:
Ninja Gaiden.
Ninja Gaiden Black.
XBOX 360 games I want:
Table Tennis.
Of course, if I went that route, I would not get both Ninja Gaidens, I would choose whether I want the enhanced version, or the more-challenging one.
However, I don't feel that 1 game is enough to warrant me buying the console.
As far as the XBOX 360 goes, both those games would definetely be fun, but I have other, more important, video game priorities that have caught my interest, such as the Wii, Zelda: TP, Guitar Hero II, possibly a PSP if the price goes to $149, Okami, maybe Final Fantasy XII, etc.
All that stuff will cost a lot of money, and all of that stuff I just listed is happening just in this year alone, 2006. That's the next 4 months!! A lot of that stuff will definetely get scratched off the list, such as the PSP and maybe Guitar Hero.
So, for the XBOX 360, there aren't enough titles for it that would come out. It seems as if most of the games are geared toward the typical Westerner, male college-student, action-movie fan. I am a Westerner, and I am a male college student, but I don't fit the typical XBOX E>'er profile as I just described above. For a vague taste of my games, check my collection.
Oblivion doesn't heavily interest me THAT much. The customization really intrigues me, and I'm sure the gameplay is pretty cool, but I'm not yearning for it.
Table Tennis would be pretty fun, but I can live without it.
All in all, XBOX has not impressed me that much, ever. I never became a HALO fan, I hated the second one. Most of the games were either Shooters, Racing, and Sports. Nothing cool and original.
The only original titles it produced were:
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
-Ninja Gaiden
-Kingdom Under Fire
Of those 5, the machine pretty much relied "solely" on HALO. Halo sold consoles. Halo was the only reason the XBOX didn't fail. The equivelent to this is SSBM for the Gamecube, except Gamecube had TONS of more good games than just that, XBOX only had that going for it. Without HALO, XBOX would be 16% of what it is now, a failure.
Microsoft just happened to get lucky and pull the Ace of Spades on this one, not that they won this gen, you can't win with 1 franchise, but, as these past 5 years have shown, you can certainly be successful.
So, in conclusion, no XBOX ANYTHING for me!!! I'll save for the games I really like, Zelda.
Thanks for reading!:)
Post what you think.
XBOX games I want:
Ninja Gaiden.
Ninja Gaiden Black.
XBOX 360 games I want:
Table Tennis.
Of course, if I went that route, I would not get both Ninja Gaidens, I would choose whether I want the enhanced version, or the more-challenging one.
However, I don't feel that 1 game is enough to warrant me buying the console.
As far as the XBOX 360 goes, both those games would definetely be fun, but I have other, more important, video game priorities that have caught my interest, such as the Wii, Zelda: TP, Guitar Hero II, possibly a PSP if the price goes to $149, Okami, maybe Final Fantasy XII, etc.
All that stuff will cost a lot of money, and all of that stuff I just listed is happening just in this year alone, 2006. That's the next 4 months!! A lot of that stuff will definetely get scratched off the list, such as the PSP and maybe Guitar Hero.
So, for the XBOX 360, there aren't enough titles for it that would come out. It seems as if most of the games are geared toward the typical Westerner, male college-student, action-movie fan. I am a Westerner, and I am a male college student, but I don't fit the typical XBOX E>'er profile as I just described above. For a vague taste of my games, check my collection.
Oblivion doesn't heavily interest me THAT much. The customization really intrigues me, and I'm sure the gameplay is pretty cool, but I'm not yearning for it.
Table Tennis would be pretty fun, but I can live without it.
All in all, XBOX has not impressed me that much, ever. I never became a HALO fan, I hated the second one. Most of the games were either Shooters, Racing, and Sports. Nothing cool and original.
The only original titles it produced were:
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
-Ninja Gaiden
-Kingdom Under Fire
Of those 5, the machine pretty much relied "solely" on HALO. Halo sold consoles. Halo was the only reason the XBOX didn't fail. The equivelent to this is SSBM for the Gamecube, except Gamecube had TONS of more good games than just that, XBOX only had that going for it. Without HALO, XBOX would be 16% of what it is now, a failure.
Microsoft just happened to get lucky and pull the Ace of Spades on this one, not that they won this gen, you can't win with 1 franchise, but, as these past 5 years have shown, you can certainly be successful.
So, in conclusion, no XBOX ANYTHING for me!!! I'll save for the games I really like, Zelda.
Thanks for reading!:)
Post what you think.
My Favorite (non-Nirvana) Albums!
by -o-o-o-o-o-o-ox on Comments
Of course I love Nirvana, but I do appreciate other bands and their work too.
Nine Inch Nails - Downward Spiral
Forget hardcore, forget death metal, if you want angry music, it's in here. Trent Reznor isn't "pissy", when he's angry, he is actually a complete PSYCHO about it, and it really shows in his genius for writing, composing, and performing. Many parts of the album are a pure expression of anger and passion, even how the instruments sound, and how he sings the parts. Totally charasmatic. Fav. songs are #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, and #14.
Alice in Chains - Greatest Hits
The 2nd best grunge band to Nirvana, with a style all their own. Not what you would call "ROCKY", but artistic, beautiful, and serious. These songs themselves have a serious overtone to them in the music and singing. Composed very well, and very enjoyable, bursting with richness and meaning. Fantastic guitar parts and well-concieved guitar solos. Fav. songs are: Rooster, No Excuses, Heaven Beside You, Grind, Angry Chair...actually, I like them all!
Never Mind the Bullocks, Here's the SEX PISTOLS
For what Alice in Chains lacked in "ROCKINESS", that's what Sex Pistols were all about. The songs are just pure Rock n Roll, and quite generic, but are totally great to listen to, fun to sing along, and have a wonderful CATCHY aesthetic. Granted they all sound somewhat alike, but that doesn't mean this isn't a great album, because it is.
FLCL Soundtrack 1
This is great music from a great anime. The Pillows do a wonderful job and have some truly irresistable songs. The songs are composed wonderfully and are free of Generic-ness. They also successfully put you in the mood of the song. If you love angry Garage rock, this is for you, because the whole album is artistic.
Led Zepplin II
Led Zepplin...Greatest Band ever? That's a matter of opinion, but I think this is definetely their best album. There isn't a song on here I don't like. The songs are pure fun to listen to and are composed extremely well. Each Led Zepplin album has a theme:
LZ2...Rock n Roll
LZ Zoso...Celtic
LZ2 is the best Led Zepplin album. Fav songs are: Thank You, Ramble On, and Moby Dick.
Simon & Garfunkel
The best folk/pop artists in MHO. These are songs anybody can enjoy, because they are beautiful and full of fire and smoke. Fav songs are: Boxer, Sound of Silence, Homeward Bound, I am a Rock, Scarbourough Fair, etc. There are more good ones than just those, but those ones are really good!
Mitch Hedberg Strategic Grill Locations, Mitch All Together
This is my favorite comedian, and before he died in early 2005?, he left us these 2 great shows on Compact Disc. Unlike many comedians, all his jokes are audio, he doesn't ever do a visual joke, so those listening on CD won't miss out on anything due to not being able to see it. He stands in one place the whole time, looking downward slightly, hair in front of his eyes, holding the microphone. He tells them in a "laid-back stoner voice". He puts the emphasis on certain syllables really well, very talented performances. One example is:
"I went to the store to buy a candle holder, but they did not have any, so I bought, a cake." - M. Hedberg
It's better when you hear him tell it than see me type it, becuase his voice is half the goodness.
He is missed. :( --- :)
Katamari Damacy/We <3 Katamari
The greatest music in a video game, some of the greatest music in the world. J-POP at its finest!!! If you have a PS2, play these 2 games, they are incredibly fun, and are known for having superb music.
That concludes my fav albums. It was short to read, but not to type;).
Nine Inch Nails - Downward Spiral
Forget hardcore, forget death metal, if you want angry music, it's in here. Trent Reznor isn't "pissy", when he's angry, he is actually a complete PSYCHO about it, and it really shows in his genius for writing, composing, and performing. Many parts of the album are a pure expression of anger and passion, even how the instruments sound, and how he sings the parts. Totally charasmatic. Fav. songs are #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, and #14.
Alice in Chains - Greatest Hits
The 2nd best grunge band to Nirvana, with a style all their own. Not what you would call "ROCKY", but artistic, beautiful, and serious. These songs themselves have a serious overtone to them in the music and singing. Composed very well, and very enjoyable, bursting with richness and meaning. Fantastic guitar parts and well-concieved guitar solos. Fav. songs are: Rooster, No Excuses, Heaven Beside You, Grind, Angry Chair...actually, I like them all!
Never Mind the Bullocks, Here's the SEX PISTOLS
For what Alice in Chains lacked in "ROCKINESS", that's what Sex Pistols were all about. The songs are just pure Rock n Roll, and quite generic, but are totally great to listen to, fun to sing along, and have a wonderful CATCHY aesthetic. Granted they all sound somewhat alike, but that doesn't mean this isn't a great album, because it is.
FLCL Soundtrack 1
This is great music from a great anime. The Pillows do a wonderful job and have some truly irresistable songs. The songs are composed wonderfully and are free of Generic-ness. They also successfully put you in the mood of the song. If you love angry Garage rock, this is for you, because the whole album is artistic.
Led Zepplin II
Led Zepplin...Greatest Band ever? That's a matter of opinion, but I think this is definetely their best album. There isn't a song on here I don't like. The songs are pure fun to listen to and are composed extremely well. Each Led Zepplin album has a theme:
LZ2...Rock n Roll
LZ Zoso...Celtic
LZ2 is the best Led Zepplin album. Fav songs are: Thank You, Ramble On, and Moby Dick.
Simon & Garfunkel
The best folk/pop artists in MHO. These are songs anybody can enjoy, because they are beautiful and full of fire and smoke. Fav songs are: Boxer, Sound of Silence, Homeward Bound, I am a Rock, Scarbourough Fair, etc. There are more good ones than just those, but those ones are really good!
Mitch Hedberg Strategic Grill Locations, Mitch All Together
This is my favorite comedian, and before he died in early 2005?, he left us these 2 great shows on Compact Disc. Unlike many comedians, all his jokes are audio, he doesn't ever do a visual joke, so those listening on CD won't miss out on anything due to not being able to see it. He stands in one place the whole time, looking downward slightly, hair in front of his eyes, holding the microphone. He tells them in a "laid-back stoner voice". He puts the emphasis on certain syllables really well, very talented performances. One example is:
"I went to the store to buy a candle holder, but they did not have any, so I bought, a cake." - M. Hedberg
It's better when you hear him tell it than see me type it, becuase his voice is half the goodness.
He is missed. :( --- :)
Katamari Damacy/We <3 Katamari
The greatest music in a video game, some of the greatest music in the world. J-POP at its finest!!! If you have a PS2, play these 2 games, they are incredibly fun, and are known for having superb music.
That concludes my fav albums. It was short to read, but not to type;).
Top 10 worst and BEST music genres (IMHO).
by -o-o-o-o-o-o-ox on Comments
Read on for the top 10 worst and best music genres all in my humble opinion. I've heard a lot of crappy McCrap music in my day, but I have also heard a lot of artistic goodness. This is where I mention it all.
These are the worst music genres:
Number 10. Soft Rock
Number 9. Classical/Mozart
Number 8. Blues
Number 7. Nu Metal/Punk/Emo/Heavy Metal
Number 6. Jazz
Number 5. Hair Metal
Number 4. Country
Number 3. R & B
Number 2. Death Metal/Hardcore
Number 1. worst - Rap/Gangsta Rap/Raggae
These are the best music genres:
Number 10. Ethnic
Number 9. Techno
Number 8. Female POP
Number 7. Piano/Beethoven/Rachmoninoff/Chopin
Number 6. Music Boxes
Number 5. Epic Video Game Music
Number 4. Folk/Simon & Garfunkel
Number 3. J-POP
Number 2. Rock n Roll/Led Zepp./Sex Pistols
Number 1. best - Grunge/Nirvana/Seattle 90's
And the beige award goes to...
Number 1. Neutral - Classic Rock
The Beige award means I don't hate or love it. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't, sometimes I don't mind either way.
That concludes the contest for music genres. Maybe it was so good that someday this will be published in "the Farmer's Almanac" and it will be known as "FACT". But until then, this was all in MHO.
Ciau! :)
These are the worst music genres:
Number 10. Soft Rock
Number 9. Classical/Mozart
Number 8. Blues
Number 7. Nu Metal/Punk/Emo/Heavy Metal
Number 6. Jazz
Number 5. Hair Metal
Number 4. Country
Number 3. R & B
Number 2. Death Metal/Hardcore
Number 1. worst - Rap/Gangsta Rap/Raggae
These are the best music genres:
Number 10. Ethnic
Number 9. Techno
Number 8. Female POP
Number 7. Piano/Beethoven/Rachmoninoff/Chopin
Number 6. Music Boxes
Number 5. Epic Video Game Music
Number 4. Folk/Simon & Garfunkel
Number 3. J-POP
Number 2. Rock n Roll/Led Zepp./Sex Pistols
Number 1. best - Grunge/Nirvana/Seattle 90's
And the beige award goes to...
Number 1. Neutral - Classic Rock
The Beige award means I don't hate or love it. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't, sometimes I don't mind either way.
That concludes the contest for music genres. Maybe it was so good that someday this will be published in "the Farmer's Almanac" and it will be known as "FACT". But until then, this was all in MHO.
Ciau! :)
My favorite albums!
by -o-o-o-o-o-o-ox on Comments
There has been "one" band who has amazed me so much as anything, "one" band for whom I like all their songs, that "one" band is NIRVANA.
NEVERMIND - This was my first Nirvana album. I got it of course for "Smells Like Teen Spirit", but I listened to it once in a while. Some of the songs I thought were weird at the time, like "Territorial Pissings", becuase some guy is singing in a freakish voice...
and then that goes into a drving rock song. I thought the way the whole album sounds was just so "ROCKY" and at the time, I was more into LINKIN PARK and OFFSPRING and the Rockiness was a little different from what I was used to.
Of course, I found a huge new appreciation for the album and really enjoy the so-called "ROCKINESS". I eventually abandoned LP and Offspring because LP is too "rhymey" and Offspring is "GARBAGE". Fav. song on it is "In Bloom". But I like it all!
IN UTERO - This album changed my life. I heard this album at a point where I was trying to be "funny" all the time, trying to be a "happy clown", but on the inside I was miserable...terribly. I heard this album and read his diary at this point in my life, and I was "changed". I thought, "Here was a guy who had it tough too, for different reasons, but still" and I learned right then and there "It's OK to be negative". One of my biggest darkest secrets I used to have that I am not ashamed to admit now is I was a HUGE Kurt Cobain wannabee. I acted like him, and I talked like him, and I even drew "disturbing" pictures because he did. But I hid all this as such a secret. I didn't even tell people I liked Nirvana because I had a morbid fear of people saying "You'll never be as good as him". Over time, I learned that it was OK to be myself and that in fact, it was better to be who I really am. I admit, I WAS a Kurt Cobain Wannabee, but now I am not. I still think he is God though, because his music is INCREDIBLE. So now I am myself, and I have never been happier.
Fav. songs on "In utero" are ALL OF THEM! But I really like "Milk It", "Serve the Servants", "Pennyroyal Tea"...oh, HELL, I like them ALL!
This album also sparked my huge interest in Nirvana, And that interest has not gone.
Incesticide - No story here, Fav. songs are "Anyerism", "Big Long Now", "Beeswax", "Mexican Seafood", "Hairspray Queen", and of course..."AREO ZEPPLIN!" which used to be my favorite song at one point.
Bleach - I actually listen to this album quite a bit, FAV songs are all of them, esspecially "Scoff", "Sifting", and "About a Girl".
Unplugged in New York - I love the whole thing!!!
With the Lights Out - The BEST Nirvana thing EVER MADE!!! I got it the first day it came out, was looking forward to it for half-a-year. Best songs are: "Raunchaula/Moby Dick", "Endless, Nameless", "Verse Chorus Verse", "Old Age", "Scentless Apprentice", "The Other Improv", "SAPPY!", "Do Re Mi".
The best songs on this set are actually on the DVD. They are "Guitar tuning/Heavy drumming" and the very first song that plays when you put the DVD in with the blacknwhite footage of the band in the background. This song is about 10 minutes long. It's my FAVORITE SONG EVER!!! If one song speaks to my soul, this is it. this is the reason I call K.C. a God. It's incredible.
That concludes my Favorite albums, yes, they were all Nirvana. I am one of the biggest Nirvana fans there is, my Nirvana CD's are my favorite thing in the world. They deserve to be.
Ciau! :)
NEVERMIND - This was my first Nirvana album. I got it of course for "Smells Like Teen Spirit", but I listened to it once in a while. Some of the songs I thought were weird at the time, like "Territorial Pissings", becuase some guy is singing in a freakish voice...
and then that goes into a drving rock song. I thought the way the whole album sounds was just so "ROCKY" and at the time, I was more into LINKIN PARK and OFFSPRING and the Rockiness was a little different from what I was used to.
Of course, I found a huge new appreciation for the album and really enjoy the so-called "ROCKINESS". I eventually abandoned LP and Offspring because LP is too "rhymey" and Offspring is "GARBAGE". Fav. song on it is "In Bloom". But I like it all!
IN UTERO - This album changed my life. I heard this album at a point where I was trying to be "funny" all the time, trying to be a "happy clown", but on the inside I was miserable...terribly. I heard this album and read his diary at this point in my life, and I was "changed". I thought, "Here was a guy who had it tough too, for different reasons, but still" and I learned right then and there "It's OK to be negative". One of my biggest darkest secrets I used to have that I am not ashamed to admit now is I was a HUGE Kurt Cobain wannabee. I acted like him, and I talked like him, and I even drew "disturbing" pictures because he did. But I hid all this as such a secret. I didn't even tell people I liked Nirvana because I had a morbid fear of people saying "You'll never be as good as him". Over time, I learned that it was OK to be myself and that in fact, it was better to be who I really am. I admit, I WAS a Kurt Cobain Wannabee, but now I am not. I still think he is God though, because his music is INCREDIBLE. So now I am myself, and I have never been happier.
Fav. songs on "In utero" are ALL OF THEM! But I really like "Milk It", "Serve the Servants", "Pennyroyal Tea"...oh, HELL, I like them ALL!
This album also sparked my huge interest in Nirvana, And that interest has not gone.
Incesticide - No story here, Fav. songs are "Anyerism", "Big Long Now", "Beeswax", "Mexican Seafood", "Hairspray Queen", and of course..."AREO ZEPPLIN!" which used to be my favorite song at one point.
Bleach - I actually listen to this album quite a bit, FAV songs are all of them, esspecially "Scoff", "Sifting", and "About a Girl".
Unplugged in New York - I love the whole thing!!!
With the Lights Out - The BEST Nirvana thing EVER MADE!!! I got it the first day it came out, was looking forward to it for half-a-year. Best songs are: "Raunchaula/Moby Dick", "Endless, Nameless", "Verse Chorus Verse", "Old Age", "Scentless Apprentice", "The Other Improv", "SAPPY!", "Do Re Mi".
The best songs on this set are actually on the DVD. They are "Guitar tuning/Heavy drumming" and the very first song that plays when you put the DVD in with the blacknwhite footage of the band in the background. This song is about 10 minutes long. It's my FAVORITE SONG EVER!!! If one song speaks to my soul, this is it. this is the reason I call K.C. a God. It's incredible.
That concludes my Favorite albums, yes, they were all Nirvana. I am one of the biggest Nirvana fans there is, my Nirvana CD's are my favorite thing in the world. They deserve to be.
Ciau! :)
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