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There are only "3" games I want for any version of the XBOX.

I don't want an XBOX or an XBOX 360 because of the lack of games that interest me, but there are 3, or 4, depending on how you look at it, games that I want for either of the Xbox's.

XBOX games I want:
Ninja Gaiden.
Ninja Gaiden Black.

XBOX 360 games I want:
Table Tennis.

Of course, if I went that route, I would not get both Ninja Gaidens, I would choose whether I want the enhanced version, or the more-challenging one.

However, I don't feel that 1 game is enough to warrant me buying the console.

As far as the XBOX 360 goes, both those games would definetely be fun, but I have other, more important, video game priorities that have caught my interest, such as the Wii, Zelda: TP, Guitar Hero II, possibly a PSP if the price goes to $149, Okami, maybe Final Fantasy XII, etc.

All that stuff will cost a lot of money, and all of that stuff I just listed is happening just in this year alone, 2006.  That's the next 4 months!!  A lot of that stuff will definetely get scratched off the list, such as the PSP and maybe Guitar Hero.

So, for the XBOX 360, there aren't enough titles for it that would come out.  It seems as if most of the games are geared toward the typical Westerner, male college-student, action-movie fan.  I am a Westerner, and I am a male college student, but I don't fit the typical XBOX E>'er profile as I just described above.  For a vague taste of my games, check my collection.

Oblivion doesn't heavily interest me THAT much.  The customization really intrigues me, and I'm sure the gameplay is pretty cool, but I'm not yearning for it.

Table Tennis would be pretty fun, but I can live without it.

All in all, XBOX has not impressed me that much, ever.  I never became a HALO fan, I hated the second one.  Most of the games were either Shooters, Racing, and Sports.  Nothing cool and original.

The only original titles it produced were:
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
-Ninja Gaiden
-Kingdom Under Fire

Of those 5, the machine pretty much relied "solely" on HALO.  Halo sold consoles.  Halo was the only reason the XBOX didn't fail.  The equivelent to this is SSBM for the Gamecube, except Gamecube had TONS of more good games than just that, XBOX only had that going for it.  Without HALO, XBOX would be 16% of what it is now, a failure.

Microsoft just happened to get lucky and pull the Ace of Spades on this one, not that they won this gen, you can't win with 1 franchise, but, as these past 5 years have shown, you can certainly be successful.

So, in conclusion, no XBOX ANYTHING for me!!!  I'll save for the games I really like, Zelda.

Thanks for reading!:)
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