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Beautifully Executed

Jesper Kyd has held a prominent style in the Hitman games since his orchestral venture with Silent Assassin in 2002. Contracts saw a return to the more electronic methods that were employed in the first game, Codename 47. So, here we have Blood Money which incorporates a bit of both. The end result is a slick infusion of electronica and orchestral wonderment.

Now, anyone who's played the game knows that Franz Schubert's "Ellens dritter Gesang" is used as a central piece. Unfortunately, that particular piece -- along with a couple of others -- is not included on the soundtrack disc. And actually, the "Main Title" track is listed last. Being that it is the main title, however, it has been posted first in the following compilation. The track starts out with a gentle piano riff, perhaps indicating that there is, in fact, a refinement about the world Agent 47 comes from. The electronic cords that follow serve as a driving theme for the hitman's adventures and clue us into the sort of grandeur accompanied by his world traveller archetype. "Hunter" is a track used during missions and makes use of the choir to great effect, creating an almost ominous feel as 47 either tracks or executes various targets. There is no absolute end to this track as it may be intended to loop during any mission's run, pending completion of goals. "Apocalypse" is similarly ominous, although it creates an effect more likened to the main title. Quite simply put, it is epic. I can't recall hearing this track in the game -- I'd have to give it another playthrough -- but it's a damn good piece.

Silent Assassin still stands as my favorite game/score in the series. But the sort of the evolution and collaboration that's taken place during its course is interesting to make note of. Not only has Jesper Kyd brought an unprecedented feel to these stealth action games, but he has provided listening material that easily ranks even amongst some of the best movie scores produced recently. Let's hope the trend continues.
