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E3 and stuff...

Well, here we go again. I always say I'm going to blog more often but I... don't. Oh well... Here goes nothing...

This years E3 is over and I really like most of what I saw. This is mainly thanks to Gamespot and their BRILLIANT coverage of the show and like a zillion stage demos. I watched everything (even though some of the live shows ended at 4:30 am here) and loved it all. THANK YOU, GS!

I love the way some games are coming along. Mass Effect, Assassins Creed and BioShock all look simply stunning, I can't believe we are going to be able to play these this year! I'm buying them day one. Fable 2 is still coming along great and is slated for release sometime next year, as is GTA IV. Nothing major news about those but at least we didn't get any bad news. I really missed Spore at the show, don't think they even showed it behind closed doors, weird...

I also found new interest in some titles that I haven't paid too much attention to before. Heavenly Sword for PS3 looked amazing, the animations and characters were mindblowing. Seems Andy Serkis did a swell job in the mo-cap-studio. I liked the idéa of LittleBigPlanet when I first saw it last year but when I saw it this year I just couldn't resist it. That game will change gaming, I'm sure of it. The only problem is that it is PS3-only, which I don't have. There are a few tight titles coming to PS3 this year and Home looks better and better so I might have to consider buying one... I'll get back to that.

We also got to see hordes of games in development and some REALLY impressed me! Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare looked AWESOME! I was blown away from the footage, simply stunning graphics and tight gameplay by the looks of it. Burnout Paradise looks cool, I like the new free-roam aspect of the game and the graphics are top notch, a must-have. Naruto - Rise of a Ninja really surprised me. It's not a beat'em'up per say, more of a free-roam between fights and more story-driven. Very nice, might pick that up. inFamous is a free-roam-type game with some really cool powers, kind of like Crackdown on drugs or something. And finally it looks like we're getting a decent Simpsons-game! Looks great, seems funny, must have.The Simpsons are going out with a bang!

On a Nintendo side of things; Mario Galaxy will rock, nuff said. Metroid Prime 3 looks good too of course but the big thing announced, and not to any ones surprise really, was Mario Kart Wii, with online play! Oh man, can't get much sweeter than that! The Wii Fit-concept really underwhelmed me... Kinda inovative but in the end it will just be a gimmick used for skate and snowboard games, which I don't play. The Wheel for Mario Kart Wii was... very plastic and "kiddy". I just can't see me buy that, or use it if bundeled with the game. The zapper looked plastic too but might be fun to use butwhere the hell is Duck Hunt Wii!?! Resident Evil - Umbrella Chronicles looked stale and boring, nothing for me, sobringon the duckies! MySims really impress me and I think it mainly got to do with it being quite a clone ofAnimal Crossing withsome bonuses. The editor in the game feels spot on and if you ignore the kiddy-like graphics and feel of the game it really looks like a great way to waste away hours. Nothing more worth mentioning from Nintendo I'm sad to say. I would really appreciate a lot of cool titles for Wii but it seems like they focus on DS more... Too bad.

So, to PS3 or not to PS3, that is the question. Sony has really pulled their sh** togheter the last 6 months or so, after Ken jumped ship. They really impress me with their vision of what Home will be like, LittleBigPlanet looks awesome andsome ofexclusive gameslook great (MGS4, KillZone 2, Heavenly Sword, inFamous) but that's not the catch... Idislike their policy regarding us european players. They repeatedly step on our fingers and treat us bad. We really should just boycott them back to the stone age until they wise up but that won't happen. Another thing is sales. PS3 isn't selling very good anywhere, at all. Does it have a future? Will developers support them enough to make exclusive titles? I got a 360 and get most of the third-party stuff through that and I will not sell it since it got so many cool exclusive titles (MS has got some issues as well, but it's not as much bad policy as it is bad hardware). I just don't know if it's worth buying a PS3 when I allready have a 360. The exclusives look cool (LittleBigPlanet is the ****, it got freaking Blu-Ray (I'm a movie-freak), the hardware rocks and supports loads of stuff; but will it last? Man, I just don't know...

Ok, that's enough rambling for this time. Loads of games I haven't mentioned that I found cool but I haven't got the time nor the will to write it down right now. I won't promise to blog more often in the future because that won't happen anyways.

Have a nice day

r4z0r out.