Well well well, seems I got of my ass for another blog, and it didn't take a month! Well, actually, I'm still sitting but anyway...
Seeing OnTheSpot last Thursday and hearing Rich Gallup say that the next show will be his last made me really, really sad. Rich IS GameSpot for me. He is so relaxed, so down to earth and just a nice, regular guy asking the questions we all want to know about games, even the weird ones. To me he is the ultimate host and replacing him will be close toimpossible. Rich, I hope you reconsider! You rock, man! Another sad thing is that I won't be able to watch OnTheSpot this Thursday live since I'm of to a festival so I have to watch his last show on sunday... Really sucks. :(
Anyway, E3 is still over and several sites has put up their picks for Game of The Show. CoD4, LBP, Burnout Paradise and Fallout 3 seems to top most sites lists and from what I've seenI'd have to agree to all of them, (except for Fallout 3 which no-one but media got to see any actual gameplay from). One thing I keep hearing fans argue about is why Mass Effect, MGS4or Halo 3 don't win and I really can't understand why people don't get it into their heads that a trailer doesn't make a game. The game have to be playable or show quite a bit of gameplay footaget for us to really be able to see if it's going to rock or not.
I purchased Crackdown a week ago and have been playing it quite a bit. I just love it! Free-roam, co-op and super powers, you can't go wrong there! This is one of the reasons I found inFamous so interesting as well, if Sony play their cards right they might have a GTA-killer in their hands. I love GTA, make no mistake, but what I really don't like is the controlls. If Rockstarj ust fix that, throw in some cool, new features and makes the world hella big, GTA4 will own us all. If not, inFamous will, I'm sure of it...
Looks like I've gotten my Gamespot-level to 20 today, yay for me!
A reasonable size blog this time. Until next time...
r4z0r out