So...1 Year at GS, doesn't seem like it really, since then i've climbed 17 levels, not being active at first, then active, the hardly XD
Anyways, lately, as I said above, i haven't been as active on GS, a while ago (months ago now) i said that i will be making blog posts every week, well as you can see....that didn't go so well XD, So I will try to be more active, and maybe review some games :O
In Gaming I've been playing alot of CS, Playing some guitar hero 2, I'm saving up for okami and god hand (which have only just come out in the uk :S )
In Social Life, I've got into bmx('ing?) and stuff (yay for a social life), Also it's my birthday in 5 days, I'll be 15 (yay for being able to see 15 rated films without having to lie about my age) So yeh... i'll probably make a one line blog post or something, it seems alot of people i know (and some i kinda know) have birthdays in march, strange.
Latest sigs:
(Not very good)