-xelle- / Member

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-xelle- Blog


Today I traded my buddy Tom my Fable for his MechAssault. He was going to give me two other games also, but they weren't so good, so I just let him keep em. Anyways, I'm sure happy about this trade because I cannot stand Fable. It's such a POS.

The Gauntlet + TCHBO + Revolution Controller

I went shopping with my mommy and she got me the Clint Eastwood movie "The Gauntlet" for $6.87 at Zellers! Woohoo.

I made some stupid ass video called "TCHBO" (even though it's not really owning the cows, I just called it that cause there's a cow in it) at that Kung Pow website. M60 made one too, but I seemed to have lost the link to his.

And wtf is up with the Revolution controller? I haven't really decided if I like it or not yet, but currently, I'm leaning more towards not liking it. I need to see more information and see someone play with it, and also play with it myself. I'm sure it'll be pro once more information is released. I'm soooo getting the white Revolution to match the white X360.


So I was talkin' to Hazuki1986 on msn, and he had an Aunt Jemima picture as his avatar. Then it inspired me to make this...

1500 Posts

- Total Minutes Online: 15822
- Total Posts: 1500
- Total Messages Read: 97732

Guess I made use of my summer by making 500 posts since July 7th, hah. School tomorrow :cry: ... how ironic.


I have 69 of them :lol:
I was bored, so I felt like pointing that out...

Okay since you're all thinking you aren't good friends, you are! I deleted A LOT of people and I'm very picky about who I add these days. So if you're a friend, j00 are t3h 1337!