With the Dual Shock 3 controller being $AU100 I'm realizing more and more how much Australia is getting kicked in the balls. I have never ordered a game online but i seriously might consider doing it as a permanent thing. The Australia dollar is really high atm, why buy a game for $100-$110 when you can get it for $70-$80 plus around $10 shipping less if you buy more games at once. Simply amazing i could save around $30 each game I buy. Obviously Australia costs more because of shipping but its like a extra $AU30 then the US.
Anyway my friend is a big buyer of online games he's buying 5 PS3 games online atm so if i decide to have self control and wait a extra few days to get my games from the mail, (ill get my friend to buy them online for me) I may be from now on buying my games online.