^ Trying to do a catchy title lol.
I haven't bloged for a very long time now so I thought it was due for a update. Now as u can see u must be wondering what my title means, basically I was hyped for Haze but with seeing reviews I can tell that its not going to be worth a purchase so I decided not to get it. On a plus tho I bought COD4, yeah I know crazy right? I haven't bought the game untill now. I never was really interested in COD4 since I'm more into SCI fi shooters like resistance but when I went over to my friends a few days ago and played COD4 I was hooked on it. So I bought it simple as that, got it a day ago and I'm really enjoying it the SP rocks and I haven't even played the MP yet(run outa downloads so I cant update it to play it:cry: ). And wow not far now MGS4 only about 2 weeks and its out !!! woooo I cant wait its going to be awesome.
Nothing much happening in my life atm just focusing more on my muscle training and had exams this whole week so sorry if I haven't posted on blogs and been active iv been studying the whole time. Ill be more active now since they are over and once the month is over and i can download the updates for COD4 give me a shout and we will play MP together if ya have it on PS3.