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i got a ds!

ya i decided to get a ds because my friends convinced me somehow though they are really fun and addicting and i only have tetris ds so far.

i hope the wii comes out with something that the ds can do something with it .like the ps3 and remote play

well thats all

omg wii!11111111!!!!!111 p2

ya well YES i got a wii and i am thankful that i didnt get an xbox 360 becuz wii is motherf***ing awsome its like the funnest console i have ever played. the reaction time i was suprised with because it is soo close.

     its cool how we got it because i was calling ebgames everyday to see if they had them in stock. So after i came home from a ski trip i phoned and they said they had three in stock so i was all OMFG I NEED 1. so i drove to eb's and as i was walking in i saw a guy walking out of the store having a box that said OMFG Wii. and as i walked in the lady infront of us said she wanted to get a wii and i was OHMIFUKINGOD NOOO!!!!!!!!!1. but in they still had the last one left and i was all OMFG yesss. so i got the wii but all i hav right now is wii sports so i rly wanna rend some games or buy TP.



wii ,xbox 360 wii ,xbox 360 wii ,xbox 360 wii ,xbox 360

i cant decide because they say the wii is very fun and addictive without major graphics and its better than just pushing buttons all the time with its fun games like zelda and warioware.

and then theres the xbox 360 a console with mind blowing graphics and fun games like halo 3 and gears of war (omg) but its kinda like every other console just better graphics like does it really change your gameplay experience that much?

i am seriously frustrated

OMG wii !!11!11!!!!!!

i had finally gotten to play the wii at an eb games and it was actually really fun like i was just playing exite truck and wii sports and i was having lots of fun for like 30 minutes tho then it was rly boring. but still kinda fun im not to keen on getting one though

hmmmmm xbox 360

after looking at the xbox 360 vs the ps3 it was kind of easy to tell that the xbox 360 had a little better graphics. i think everyone just wants the ps3 because it has all the other features like if you have a psp you could do remote play and the blueray on it and lots of other kinda useless stuff but i think the best part of the ps3 is the processor because it is tres better than the xbox 360.

but i dont really care about blueray i just want to watch the movie; play the game

so i am re..deciding(?) and im gonna go with the xbox 360(!!!11!!!1)

after pure pwnage

it was so cool the pp eps12 and so suprising and funny and i got to talk to jeremy, anistasia, and kyle and i got all of there autographs  on my new pure pwnage shirt. there were micro-fights and fps-doug contests. to get our tickets we waited in line for what felt like an hour but was actually 15 mins, then we had to wait in line to get inside the theatre so we had to wait about 50 mins i was so bored and it was below freezing all we did was play the noob song with our kazoos* and talking, but it was still worth it.

pure pwnage eps12 premiere

omgomgomg gonna go see the episode 12 premiere of pure pwnage (www.purepwnage.com) they are like teh pwn in gaming  and now im excited to see the premiere finally yay tomoro at 6:00. and im gonna get one of those i-pwn-n00bs t-shirt its gonna be so awsum.

wii ps3 or new pc

the wii is like introducing the newest type of gaming and it will have all the best games on it like super smash bros and zelda twilight princess. but then again the graphic that are going on the games are going to be just a bit better than the gamecube. the only reason i like the wii is because of those two games.(plus its only like  $250 bucks)

and then theres the ps3. im a playstation guy i have the ps2 psp and ps1 and want the ps3 but 500 dollars 200 dollars more than what the ps2 came out for (300$). i like its sleek design and all of the games that come out with the playstation and i heard a rumor that this might be the last playstation, then it will be like a different name.

or i could just get a new pc and play games that come out for ps3 xbox 360 and the pc only games in amzing graphics but not any of the wii games.

so ya i can only get one of those unless i get a totally  ub3r paying job within the next three months then i would be able to get all of zem! 


just got this gamespot account. all i hav is a couple games for the pc (css cs1.6 hl2 hl2dm and hldm and hl) and tons of ps2 games and a psp w/ like 3 games, so ya thats practically all i have