ya well YES i got a wii and i am thankful that i didnt get an xbox 360 becuz wii is motherf***ing awsome its like the funnest console i have ever played. the reaction time i was suprised with because it is soo close.
its cool how we got it because i was calling ebgames everyday to see if they had them in stock. So after i came home from a ski trip i phoned and they said they had three in stock so i was all OMFG I NEED 1. so i drove to eb's and as i was walking in i saw a guy walking out of the store having a box that said OMFG Wii. and as i walked in the lady infront of us said she wanted to get a wii and i was OHMIFUKINGOD NOOO!!!!!!!!!1. but in they still had the last one left and i was all OMFG yesss. so i got the wii but all i hav right now is wii sports so i rly wanna rend some games or buy TP.