Bear1969, although you have every right to believe that the 360 is worse than the PS3, merely shouting "360 sucks!" is not going to make anyone listen to you. It will just make them angry. If you have a longer, more sensible, more well thought out arguement I would be happy to hear it. But just saying it is a bad console is not a good idea. Also the original playstation used CDs. Not DVDs. I'm not going to get a PS3 this year, there are few good games coming out for it. But I may well next year when Little BIg Planet, MGS4 and Final Fantasy 13 arrive.
Besides maybe MGS4 and the new thirteenth Final Fantasy there is no reason that I should ever buy a PS3. And as I see Metal Gear Solid ports and Final Fantasy ports I wont worry too much about having to play those on a PS3. Quite happy with my PC and 360 thankyou.
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