@jesuschristmonk Sadly, there's an even sadder new pokemon. Say hello to Klefki, a keychain pokemon...yes...I said keychain. lol http://www.idigitaltimes.com/articles/20222/20131004/pokemon-x-y-new-spoilers-klefki-key.htm
@Bgrngod One of the most tense moments I've had in gaming was when playing Dark Souls, the words "You're Being Invaded" appeared. And AC's multiplayer also was different and innovative. Just hopes they blend well into Watch Dogs.
@xsonicchaos @AshTrai "...players will find themselves hacked once as part of the campaign" sounds like it's related and tied in to the story. And "Multiplayer is not a separate mode" most likely is just saying it's a single mode and that there will not be an option of the beginning of the game to play sole single player mode and a multiplayer mode to select from the beginning screen (like Read Dead for example).
It does sound a lot like Dark Souls multiplayer which works really well and can be turned off if you wish. It also probably won't require internet to play so if you're that worried you can simply disconnect your system.
I'm not sure what is sadder...the fact EA and Activision are doing this or the fact that there will plenty of people who will buy these subscriptions thus reinforcing the action of subscription based games.
Xbox supports more Indie games than PS3...does that mean PS3 users only care about corporate funded projects and 360 users support smaller, creative artists?
Wow, way to ignite more flame wars with such an ignorant, incorrect statement. It's like saying those who listen to classical music stations appreciate it more than people who listen to pop-rock stations.
Looking at the larger picture, sex in the United States seems very taboo in general. Not only that, what tends to pass for socially acceptable material for our society tends to only be on females. So much so it really is sexual exploitation. And the US is so hypocritical. "Sex is so terrible. It should only be done in the privacy behind closed doors! I don't want to see it! "...yet sex is shoved down people's throats every day via every media out there...yet that's okay and no one says anything about that. And let's not even get started how it's more socially acceptable in the U.S. to have a game where you can brutally murder humans in terrible and violent ways than to have a game that deals with building relationships based on choice and preference.
This looks very cool and probably will be the future of gaming...maybe. People are always looking at how to make a new way for people to experience games. Yes, the price is high now, but that's because it's new (okay, not new tehnology, but hype wise it is). But once this becomes marketed it will drop in price just like all new technologies. I hope the platform world follows suite if this does well. It'd be awesome to just have your games pop out at you on a big screen tv.
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