1. Name: Matthew
2. Area of country where you where born? america
3. Birthday? Feb 4th
4. Part of song lyric that was last in your mind? These Ideas Are Nightmare to White parents Who's worst Fear is a Child with Dyed hair and Likes Ear rings
5. Describe where you are right now- With your Mom
6. The highlight of this week? Bought 3 new games and Got a 112 on Algbra II test
7. Who was the last person you went out to eat with? Does my Computer Count?
8. What are you scared of? There isn't enough time in the world to Write everything
9. Last movie you watched? Superbad
10. What is the last thing you downloaded into your computer? uhh.... I rather not say;)
11. How many houses have you lived in? 2
12. Last friend you talked to online? Suitelifefan1
13. Has anyone said you looked like a celebrity? No
14. Do you speak any other language besides than English? French but im really bad at it
15. Do you have a job besides going to school? no
16. Do you plan to go to college or been to college? yes
17. For or against same sex marriage? Sure why not
18. Should gays be allowed to adopt? No
19. What is your view on the war in Iraq? Im a Independent what do you think?
20. If you could live in any other place, where and why? My Mind I have a feeling theres alot of Space there
21. Favroite animal and why? Wolfs or Bear, There Fur is really soft and Warm
22. If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why? Dane Cook to tell him he isn't funny
23. If you could go back in time and live in any century, which would it be and why? WWII I want to see what It was Like
24. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Meat Vision Without a Doubt
25. What would your life's theme song be? Rock Bottom-Eminem
26. If you became president, what would you do first? Get rid of all Emos to be honest
27. What is you most heartbreaking memory so far? My Best friends death It hurts me even today
28. What is your greatest accomplishment? Learning how to Moonwalk....
_________Are You?_________________
29.A hugger or a hand-shaker? hand
30. Morning or night-time person? Night.
31. Are you a perfectionist? Not even Close
32. What is your religious belief? Im a JW
33. Left or right handed? Both
34. Number? 13,489,234,502,385,037,423,894,693,493,694,837
35. Color? Black
36. Season? Winter
37. Holiday? I have none
38. TV program? Monk or Naruto
39. Movie? WaterBoy or Little Nicky
40. Band? The Fray
41. Songs? Everything by Eminem or the Fray with a few other People
42. Actor? Adam Sandler
43. Restaurant? Burger King?
44. Food? Apple
45. Pizza topping? People
46. Ice-Cream flavor? I wish there was a Whopper Flavored Ice Cream
47. Board game? Guess Who?
_____Other Questions____________
48. Helped a stranger in need? no.
49. Lied to your dearest friend? I killed him
50. Cheated on a test? French test Count?
51. Turned someone in when they did something wrong? yes
52. Stole something from a store? Bubble gum when I was 6 other then that no
53. Drank alcohol? No
54. Smoke (either one)? NO
55. Ran away from home? Never
56. Been pick up by the police? NO
57. What annoys you most in a person? People that say they don't care about other people or themselves
58. What is you bedtime? whenever.
59. Name three things you can't live without? Video games,Internet, and Cable
60. Would you take a bullet for someone you love? Never
61. How do you want to die? Hit by a Car Driven by P. Diddy
_____Do You Believe In_________
62. God? Yes
63. Miracles? No anymore
64. Love at First sight? Im going through it now so yes
65. Ghost? No
66. Aliens? No
67. Heaven? Yep
68. Hell? Nope
69. Angels? Yes
70. Kissing on the first date?no
71.Horoscope? No Idea
72. Fate? Kind of there are thing that are in your control your friends can change who you are so by chosing good friends you can become a better person(viceversa to)
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