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The End Of a Friend

This Story was on my last account and many people keep asking me about my "friend" so here the Story

Tell Of Tears

This is the sad story that shaped my life forever and made me unable to cry out of my right eye.

Well this all started when i was about 6. At that timeI had only 5 phobias. But saddly one of them was germs the other was large groups of people. So as you can guess i didnt have any friends whats so ever. My parrents were worryed about me and howI acted. So they started getting me into this that are outside my nature(going to mall,movies,etc). But my father put me into every sport. Thats whereI meet my first friend. His name was Rodney Smith and for some reason Even if I hated large groups of people i always talked to him. Hetold me his dream was to beacome the best basktball player to ever live. We had alot in common. But like all good thingshave to end. Basketball season ended and school was going to begin.It was going to try to change myself.

It wasnt going to be easy seeing that i didnt know how to make friends or even be normal. I walk in the class and guess who is there? Rondey was in my class. I was so happy. Over the school year he thought me how to be a friends and be a better person.

My Parents were glad that I was changing and tosupport me they bought me a basketball rim and a Basketball. Rodney didnt live far from me so he came over all the time. One day we played basketball on my new Rim. We were playing to 11 and rodney's shoot hit the rim and went into the street. He said he would get it but something was weird i felt i should have gotten it but it was to late. He ran across the street and got it. When he was coming back somebody was speeding an hit him. Iwasjust watching.When i was 7 i didnt truly understand death i just thought he was playingaround. My mother ran out the house crying. She called the cops and asked me what happened.

I went to school and he wasnt there. The next day he wasnt there. I was wondering what happened to him. My mother toldme that he had died and asked me did i want to go to his Funeral.I cryed and cryed and cryed.two days later his funeral happened i went. but when i saw his body ijust couldnthandle it. I started to cry again but something was diffent. My right eye wouldnt even tear up.

The next few weeks i went to counselors to see my mental health. I wish i would have got the ball. I cant live with the guilty heart. In my mind i Killed my first friend.

I wish i could tell you more but going to deep in my past can only bring back bad thoughts.

Every Night i go to sleep i have the same dream. I im cursed to see it over and over untill i die.