Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score 0sheogorath0's Score



Guitar Hero World Tour (Guitar Kit)


Guitar Hero World Tour


Guitar Hero World Tour


Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Guitar Bundle)


Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock


Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock


Guitar Hero II


Guitar Hero


Grandia (PlayStation the Best)


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas


Grand Theft Auto IV


Golden Sun


Gears of War 2


Gears of War


Gears of War


Final Fantasy XII


Final Fantasy X-2


Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!)


Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum)


Final Fantasy VII


Final Fantasy VI


Final Fantasy VI


Final Fantasy Tactics (PSOne Books)


Final Fantasy IX


Final Fantasy Anthology


Dracula: The Resurrection


Dead Space


Chrono Trigger


Call of Duty: World at War


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Call of Duty 2




BioHazard Outbreak (PlayStation 2 the Best)


BioHazard 3: Last Escape (CapKore)


Assassin's Creed
