The Registry from your desktop would never work on the laptop if you transferred the OS. Its a completely different set of hardware.
0utc4st's forum posts
Is it me or a lot of the games I have been looking forward to very disappointing.
Finally found the fix I was looking for.
Not Displaying Logon, Logoff, Startup and Shutdown Status Messages
To turn these off:
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion policie ssystem
3. If it is not already there, create a DWORD value named DisableStatusMessages
4. Give it a value of 1
Worked perfectly. Just a clean screen on startup and log off.
I am not advertising I am posting a good site to learn about overclocking. Anyway here is some stuff I been messing with lately.
If you want to learn how to overclock come over to forum.
My current system.
What it can do. Older video card in this pic.
A higher clocked dual core will get better FPS than a lower clocked quad core.,1928.html
"There is no obvious advantage to quad cores over dual cores, at least according to the graphics-based benchmarks. In order for the Q6600 to compete with the dual core E6750, the same clocking rate is recommended. If you wish to combine an E2160 with a Geforce 8800 or Geforce 9, you will need to overclock. Without a clock rate of at least 2400 MHz, you will lose a considerable amount of graphics performance, because the card is not fully loaded."
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