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[QUOTE="101gamespot"][QUOTE="klausklaus"][QUOTE="hamidious"]1) Die-hard lemmings and newly annointed lemmings who can't live without their 360 and arey ok with going through 2,3,4,5, or 11consoles, they are the equivelant of the Gamecube fanbase and will always support the 360.
2) People who want a 360 but if it breaks on them they will switch sides.
3) People who own all consoles or two of them and love their 360, but after a while they find that the competition is evolving and won't keep their 360when it breaks and find out that after a while that their love for the 360 is not pragmatic anymore.
4) People who hate M$ and the X-box brand and consider themselves traitors if they buy one.
5) People who own other consoles and don't give a damn about 360 games.
6) People who don't want to pay for online no matter what and will never get a 360.
7) People who have a gaming PC and can't find too much distinction for them to own a 360, and Microsoft cares as much about PC gaming because it wants to sell Vista(which will never catch up without cool DX10 games), so this will never change.
Stupid post. No logic in it at all .... did you ever go to school or do you think "gamespot" is education?
Points 1-3)Only few %of MS consoles break ... if all those people just gave up ... Microsoft wouldnt have lost much customers.
Point 4) People who hate(Insert company Name)and the(Insert console) brand and consider themselves traitors if they buy one.
5) People who own other consoles and don't give a damn about(insert console name)games.
6) People who don't want to pay for (insert "bluray" or"controller gimmick")no matter what and will never get a (insert console name).
7) People who have a gaming PC and can't find too much distinction for them to own a (Insert "console"), ....
Your points are all plain stupid and every "fanboy" could turn them the way he wanted. Theyr arent specific to xbox 360. You should get some education or logic skills at first my good boy. That way you will find it hard to pass most companie's pre-employement testing. You wont try to tell people about stupid things liek that then, when you cant even afford a console anymore.
Best wishes and good luck. (Youll need it)
This Post fails on a grand scale
PS your Fanboy is showing
How does his post fail... It makes alot of sense, he is just stating that it can all be turned around from other peoples perspective so thats why the original posters logic is faulty. Its not that hard to see that, its not a fanboy remark....
Small % Fanboy Man Has Arrived (Meaning U)
[QUOTE="101gamespot"][QUOTE="Yellow_Rose"][QUOTE="101gamespot"][QUOTE="cwalters"]nice try noob, but you have utterly failed
I take it you were a nintendo fan when ps1 came out, I'm sure they said the same thing
Listen Fangirl this guy makes a good point i mean on the basis of Hardware reliability it will play a big part in the way the 360 is percived buy the mass market. I mean what good is a gaming console if it keeps breaking idiot.
My launch 360 works just fine.
First of all i dont care about your launch 360
2nd how do i know you are not lying to me
3rd whats to stop that Launch 360 from breaking tomoz or the day after
4th Your Sig is **** (Al B) RULES
1) It proves not all 360 break.
2) You don't. But I have no reason to lie.
3) What's to stop any piece of equipment from breaking down tomorrow or the day after
4) Thanx
You are totlay missing the point
The Fact of a matter is it is well known that 360s have a high failure rate. while you sound like a fangirl. in order to win a console war you need to capture the casual and the mass market. but you cannot do that if your hardware fails. because casuals and the mass market are not as stupid as fanboys. they wont wait till the 11th console breaks to switch sides why because they dont care bout a stupid consol war they car about there gaming needs.
[QUOTE="hamidious"]1) Die-hard lemmings and newly annointed lemmings who can't live without their 360 and arey ok with going through 2,3,4,5, or 11consoles, they are the equivelant of the Gamecube fanbase and will always support the 360.
2) People who want a 360 but if it breaks on them they will switch sides.
3) People who own all consoles or two of them and love their 360, but after a while they find that the competition is evolving and won't keep their 360when it breaks and find out that after a while that their love for the 360 is not pragmatic anymore.
4) People who hate M$ and the X-box brand and consider themselves traitors if they buy one.
5) People who own other consoles and don't give a damn about 360 games.
6) People who don't want to pay for online no matter what and will never get a 360.
7) People who have a gaming PC and can't find too much distinction for them to own a 360, and Microsoft cares as much about PC gaming because it wants to sell Vista(which will never catch up without cool DX10 games), so this will never change.
Stupid post. No logic in it at all .... did you ever go to school or do you think "gamespot" is education?
Points 1-3)Only few %of MS consoles break ... if all those people just gave up ... Microsoft wouldnt have lost much customers.
Point 4) People who hate(Insert company Name)and the(Insert console) brand and consider themselves traitors if they buy one.
5) People who own other consoles and don't give a damn about(insert console name)games.
6) People who don't want to pay for (insert "bluray" or"controller gimmick")no matter what and will never get a (insert console name).
7) People who have a gaming PC and can't find too much distinction for them to own a (Insert "console"), ....
Your points are all plain stupid and every "fanboy" could turn them the way he wanted. Theyr arent specific to xbox 360. You should get some education or logic skills at first my good boy. That way you will find it hard to pass most companie's pre-employement testing. You wont try to tell people about stupid things liek that then, when you cant even afford a console anymore.
Best wishes and good luck. (Youll need it)
This Post fails on a grand scale
PS your Fanboy is showing
[QUOTE="101gamespot"][QUOTE="cwalters"]nice try noob, but you have utterly failed
I take it you were a nintendo fan when ps1 came out, I'm sure they said the same thing
Listen Fangirl this guy makes a good point i mean on the basis of Hardware reliability it will play a big part in the way the 360 is percived buy the mass market. I mean what good is a gaming console if it keeps breaking idiot.
My launch 360 works just fine.
First of all i dont care about your launch 360
2nd how do i know you are not lying to me
3rd whats to stop that Launch 360 from breaking tomoz or the day after
4th Your Sig is **** (Al B) RULES
Even if 360 ends up in 3rd place for this console generation no one can deny that Microsoft really lit a flame under its competition. They raised the bar and forced everyone (by everyone I mean Sony) to step up their game.Corvin
You make a good point
nice try noob, but you have utterly failed
I take it you were a nintendo fan when ps1 came out, I'm sure they said the same thing
Listen Fangirl this guy makes a good point i mean on the basis of Hardware reliability it will play a big part in the way the 360 is percived buy the mass market. I mean what good is a gaming console if it keeps breaking idiot.
[QUOTE="101gamespot"]I'm from Australia. Phail.[QUOTE="Narwaffle"][QUOTE="101gamespot"]Im surrounded by red necks Narwaffle
Proove it Tell me somthing only an Australian Would Know
Why are you asking me? I'm from Australia. I live in Brisbane, Queensland, in the western suburb of The Gap. Unlike most peons, I'd much rather set my retinas on fire then watch AFL/Rugby or the like, so arguably I'm not a "true Aussie" (mate), but I'm from Australia. Back on topic now, KTHX.Cool OK
[QUOTE="101gamespot"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="101gamespot"][QUOTE="Bill_McBlumpkin"]Assie assie assie, oy oy oy.
Better than Being a RED NECK
Um no. I think being a Red Neck is an upgrade from an Assie. ofcourse thats like pick ur poison. Now an Ausie beats a redneck. but we are debating assie and redneck.So u think u better than Australians do u
well im no redneck. Im a New Yorker. and as a proud American and a proud New Yorker Im not gonna back down from some Australian kid who sounds like hes drunk or something. Calm the F down. No body said anything bad about Australia. Id personally love to go on vacation there. But im not gonna have somebody wether hes Australian, Canadian, Dutch, British, French, Russian, Indian, Jessica Alba think they are better than Me. F U im not letting anyone think they are better than me based on ther Country of birth. Well maybe Jessice ALbe but only because i wanna have sex with her.So your a Yankee Red Neck thats cool thats cool But going round and saying ur better than everyone is what u r doing
Like i said RACE WAR
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