Lol i played the game on high and then on ultra high with uber sampling and the difference between them is very very minimal. Not worth the drop in framerate. Removing that and its pretty much identical . People who say that console can't play it on low obviously underestimate the console power. It certainly won't do ultra high but can definetly do medium or maybe high which is good enough for 5 to 6 year old tech. To get ultra high with out ubersampling or even high , the pc requirements is not that bad. i only have a i5 santy bridge 23oo 2.9ghz with overclock gtx460 and 8gb of ram . I can play on high easily
It looks like everyone likes to talk about how dragon age graphics looks better on the ps3 . Oh wait , sony fanboys are the only ones doing that because thats the only game the ps3 looks better in :P. But wait, i would have to be fair and elaborate a bit more with dragon age . If i remember right , gamespot review of the game said that the ps3 version has a higher texture quality but a unstable frame rate. The 360 on the other hand , had lower texture quality but a more stable framer rate which means that the game runs smoothly. Now anyone who is reasonably smart will play the game that runs smoother because its pointless too have a higher texture quality when you can't enjoy them with the unstable framerate.
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