This looks like it could be very interesting. Consider me intrigued.
10finalfantasy's forum posts
To clarify, I hadn't meant it in a practical sense, but rather a theorhetical one. I have both a 3DS and a VITA and it is the main means of playing jrpgs, but I play many other genres, was just wondering what might cure this particular genre's ails.
I grew up pouring 100s of hours into borderline-nonsensical adventures straight from the shores of Japan. This generation has seen the Western RPG step into the limelight and Japanese RPGs fall into a niche market, more often then not, relegated to handheld releases. Ni No Kuni bodes good fortune for those holding out for JRPGs to both return consoles and get ported outside of Japan. However, a single event doesn't make a trend. So, what would it take for JRPGs to reemerge from their niche standing in the market?
I pose this question to the Gamespot community, because quite frankly I can't think of anything and that saddens me.
As long as people are buying then no not 'too much' but I will say annual releases are currently detrimental to the franchise
In response to original poster:
This whole post seems to be incredibly misinformed. To address you point by point.
- If they still have an impact on the industry why would you not cover them
- If a developer decides to show you the very best of whats available in small increments, who is a journalist to say What we saw is great, but the rest probably sucks
- In the event that previews and reviews are done at special press events most major publications have it apart of their ethics statement that they pay for food, lodging, travel expenses etc.
- So because you dont like them their wrong?
- Okay this is just silly, they are journalist not news anchors.
- Most publications give away the swag sent to them by publishers. where do you think they get all the giveaway stuff?
- This is debatable, since while they are technically Media, games journalism is very much apart of the hype cycle, and in turn games review effect bonus on the back end.
- Again this is just silly, hate to fall on this argument, but people gotta eat, games journos dont make 175k a year like congress men do.
- Since there is no collective Games Media it would be Ziff Davis and IGNs prerogative to establish and enforce its Code of Conduct, and like any private business in America they can do anything they want within the bounds of the law.
- The last two have been talked about extensively throughout the interweb and there are plenty of well formulated opinions on the matter.
Ultimately, call them what you want but the Games Media is the medium between consumer and publishers, unless you would rather scour the internet, sift through piles of overenthusiastic PR emails, and negotiate personal interviews yourself among a plethora of other things on a daily basis, let it drop.
Ni No Kuni (already have)
Bioshock Infinite
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Watch Dogs
Last of Us
Star Wars 1313
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Tales of Xillia
Atelier Ayesha
Definitely Persona 4 Golden, and if you don't consider it because it's a re-release, than I would have to go with The Walking Dead
definitely morrowwind, i will never forget Jumping across the entire map in one leap with soul trap glitch, and beating the final boss by merely Levitating above him and shooting him to death. The environment of Morrowind would definitely surpass Skyrim if it was crafted in the same engine. Got to own an entire compound back then and craft spells that could literally set and entire dungeon aflame with a single cast. And to top it all off Bloodmoon was a great expansion.
It all depends on your definition of a fan. Does watching the only NBA Finals every year make you a fan of Basketball? Considering Fan is a shortening of fanatic I am of the opinion that to be a fan you must have an invested interestin the object of your fanaticism, beyond that of the general public, otherwise you are merely a casual observer. Specific to video games, fan has lost its connection to fanatic, you can be a FPS fan by merely buying into the annual COD cycle. I think this dilutes the meaning of what it is to be a fan. Final Fantasy has a great fan base in my opinion, who might purchase most things from Square, but also aren't shy from showing discontent for the direction specifically because they know where Final Fantasy has been in the past and they presume to know where it's moving in the future. To make these kinds of assessmentsof the Final Fantasy franchise you have to have a well of knowledge otherwise your opinion isn't well informed. As the Game Industry seeks to expand its influence it wants to move toward greater inclusiveness and this has spawned a recent era of porting which is great for people just entering the industry as consumers. To be a fan of Final Fantasy, must you have played Final Fantasy VI (released as III in the US) in its original form? No. But if you are trulya fan you would definitely seek to play a PSN port. If you are a fan of a franchise, you shouldn't have to ask 'Am I a fan?' you should merely be enthused by seeking out new and old entries in a franchise and expanding your well of knowledge on the particulars not because you have to but because you want to. Hence fanatic.
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