1357900's forum posts
Its somewhat disappointing. I just want Paper Mario and Super Metroid to come out!LightchaosSame games, I want.
I am still waiting for all the fun Star Wars games to come out.linkrul3sI am, too!
I agree w/you 100%im disappointed. i dont know if i was the only one paying attention or not but up until about a month before the wii launched, the news on the street was that all of nintendos back catalog would be available to play. how many games are available on the vc now? 30? 30 out of 3,000. it kinda sucks. yeah theres a lot of crap out there nobody cares about but theres a lot of amazing stuff that we'll never be able to download. i knew long before all the details were announced that the vc was too good to be true, and it was. so really i wasn't let down a whole bunch but i would've felt better if i was wrong. i know im not the only one. i can look back through my contributions, find an old ass forum, dig up all the wishlists that gamers had. games they wanted to download on day one that will probably never come out. strange that there weren't more complaints or at least a few thousand people screaming false advertisment. yes yes, details are always subject to change before a console launches. the bottom line is that this turned out pretty bad compared to what everyone was wanting and everybody is too damn lazy send nintendo petitions or angry mail. people need to realize that to get what they want they have to ask for it a little harder.
im disappointed.
zelda - 8 bucks
controller to play it - 20 bucksi can go to the local exchange store by my house and pick up a copy of zelda for 2 dollars and the snes to play it on for 20.
somebody get angry with me here. lets start something.
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